

The story about the day we went to watch Monsters University...


So this was a story that needed to be recorded for several significant reasons...

1. My brother actually did something nice.. [ doesn't happen very often...]

Usually when he calls on Sunday morning, it means that child-sitting is involved and my day of mixed media fantasy gets thrown out of the window [this happens rather frequently...]. But today, he actually called to ask if my mother and I wanted to go watch Monsters University with him and littlest nephew J. He would even come over to pick us up. Wow. Even though I had a red-eye flight to catch that night, I couldn't really pass up on this right? *winks*

2. We almost didn't get to go.

He came early and parked right outside the main gate. But when it was time to go, the engine wouldn't start at all..[dramatic music plays in the background]. He called the Volkswagon Service Centre and a tow truck was expected to come by in an hour. Now, the movie was in 30 minutes and since he parked his car right outside the main gate, we couldn't get the family car out either....[sad music plays in the background...]

3. It was littlest nephew J's first movie.

He was pretty excited since his brothers had already seen the movie... [okay the pictures were of him pretending to be sad for documentation purposes...*LOL*]...

4. The tow truck came by in 10 minutes.

Fortunately, the tow truck driver was just 10 minutes away and successfully towed my brother's car to the workshop...and we could drive the other car to the cinema! :)

5. We made it in time to watch the trailer!

So given the speed demon that my brother was, we made it in time to watch the movie in its entirety! [Okay...the cinema was like 15 minutes away..]

Playing along with the final challenge at Challenge Me Happy.



  1. what a dramatic story layout, little nephew is so adorable!
    Heaney xx

  2. Hee-hee! Glad you got to watch the movie and well told Yvonne in blog format and in layout details :)

  3. LOL nice to read that chatty tale this morning and hahaha to making the poor kid pose SAD!!!! Beautiful layout - love the stencil stamping - and great story told ;)

  4. Ha ha..What a adventurous movie trip it was !! Loved reading your post..with all the dramatic music..!! Look Aunt Yvonne has made the little nephew to model for her..i;e sad acting !! Fab layout as always..!

  5. Now THAT'S a saga...a happy ending, though...LOOOVE the 'pretend' sad photos!!! And your chevrons on the bg & the little & big photos & mix of words...this is a fave!!!!!!!!!!

  6. OMG, what a fabulous way to remember his first movie! And what a panicked adventure - my kids wouldn't be able to enact the sadness (it would be real!) even at their ages, so good for J :)

  7. This story was really funny and the fake sad expression was executed very well.Future actor in the family,eh?Is that your handwriting on the pictures.Looks fabulous and of course the layout is very cool.

  8. Oh how exciting to take the littlest nephew to his first movie. I hear it is a great movie and is on my to see list. Love how you captured the day.

  9. LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeee it!!! LOVING that story, the photos, the colors and all the circle bits you added!!!

  10. that the little nephew was reenacting the sadness. Such a fun layout and of course I love the story behind it.

  11. What an awesome page! Love the background work and fun elements!

  12. Fabulous layout, I love all the details.

  13. wow. how wonderful. I am now a follower. hugs

  14. What an awesome story and gorgeous layout!! The pictures are adorable!! I love the background and embellishments you used!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  15. Matching story, pics n layout.... Had fun reading it

  16. This is so fun Yvonne!! Love everything about it! Lots of great embellishments and I love all of the fun talk bubbles!

  17. Too cute, and I totally see why you needed to capture this one on a layout! In love with those fabulous, multicolored chevrons! YUM-O!

  18. LoL...seems the drama happened before the drama!!!! Shame least you all got to see the film! ;-)

  19. Haha! Love the story! Littlest nephew J did a great job on posing for his sad photos. ;)
    LOVE your page. Awesome details everywhere!

  20. What a great story! I love that you documented it on a layout. Too bad you can't include the dramatic/sad music (and then triumphant music) on the page as they added a lot to the story.

  21. How cute is this!!! Love your 'dramatic' page :)

  22. oh my what a day you had!!! super awesome layout :)

    i am waiting for that moving to come out on blue ray as i don't go to the theater :)

  23. Fabulous, just fabulous! Love this design to bits with all the pics! Looks amazing!

  24. The boldness of the design and the background drew me in but it was the detail and the journalling on the photos that held my eye!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.