

How to decorate a box in 10 minutes


I don't know about you but I always find myself in need of a decorated box for a last-minute meeting with a friend....a 10 minute box is very useful in such an instance. :)

How to decorate a box in 10 minutes

1. Gather your supplies - box, washi tape, paper bloom, pearls, charm, some leaves, tulle and a hot glue gun. (2 minutes)
2. Turn on your glue gun and while it is heating up, adhere washi tape to box. (2 minutes)
3. Arrange embellishments in a pleasing manner...(3 minutes).
4. Adhere everything with hot glue gun (3 minutes).
How to decorate a box in 10 minutes
P/s: Happy weekend friends! :)



  1. this is beautiful :) dang girl you are one fast crafter!!!!

  2. Oooh how pretty , perfect for a Mother's Day Gift... And you did it in 10 mins..... That's what I call whip it up.....

  3. This box has great flair and details! Love it! Amazing 10 minute project, Yvonne!

  4. I thought you must be kidding ..making such beautiful box in 10 mins seemed impossible .I got the trick after reading your post !

  5. 10 minutes for you hun, but it would take me much longer. I am so indecisive choosing stash and a real faffer when it comes to arranging th ebits in clusters!
    Very pretty box.

  6. Trust you to come up with something so gorgeous in just 10 minutes!! ...just love the way you do the clustering its so beautiful :)

  7. This is a darling, quick & sweet!!

  8. Lucky friend:):):) great box. Taken me longer to get this post done:):)!!!!

  9. You are a rock star!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE this!!

  10. Love it! Maybe you can decorate a box in 10 minutes, but this girl is way too slow for that.

  11. Wow amazing less the 10 you are good, thanks for sharing and have a great weekend..Thanks for the visit...

  12. I love quick projects and it is amazing how beautfiul you made yours in such a short lenght of time Yvonne!!! Gorgeous! I love that rose and charm...hugs

  13. This is awesome, Yvonne! I love all the extra details you included – makes this box so special, perfect for a friend :-)

  14. WOW... Just 10 minutes. You rock my friend. I looks fabulous..


  15. 10 minutes really? that is so pretty...

  16. Your friends sure are lucky if you bring them a beautiful box like this when you get together! Wow! Beautiful!

  17. What a fabulous project!
    I could see that as an alternative to an Easter Basket for my 19 year old D.D as well!
    Thank you Yvonne!!

  18. A fab way to make a quick gift. Brilliant idea!!!
    Love how it turned out when finished :)

  19. Very pretty Yvonne! I'm all for speedy projects these days!! Will send you that other thing I forgot about in the morning - sorry!! Late at night here now :)

  20. This is so pretty! I'm totally impressed that it only took 10 minutes. I could have done steps 1, 2 and 4 in the time you did, but step 3 takes me WAY longer, especially accounting for the "leave it in place overnight to be sure I don't hate it in the morning" step.

  21. so pretty and girly!! love the cluster of embellishment. gorgeous project!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.