

I love to eat! :)


I love to eat. Yep. I'm one of those who exercises so that I can get an approval stamp on my passport that says, "Eat it! You burned 500 calories in your last workout." *LOL* [Okay....who am I kidding...maybe 300 calories...]

I did walk the whole day to totally deserve this fine dining experience when I was in Melbourne. *winks* I was pretty excited to find a whole street of restaurants within walking distance of my hotel! :) 

This layout was inspired by this week's song at Scrap it with a song - "Our country" by John Mellencamp. I was invited to be their guest designer this month! :)

Supplies: Basic Grey patterned papers, American Crafts thickers, Toga letter stickers, Daler-Rowney gesso, Golden glass bead gel, white pen, pearls, ribbon, tag, paper bloom.



  1. yummilicious LO.. loved that cute little hand and bird

  2. cool layout, Yvonne! I love to indulge myself with these sweet treat too...yum..yumm!
    Heaney xx

  3. hmm with such Yummy array of food in your pics no wonder you love to eat :)...your Lo looks awesome...especially those small details with the hand and the fussy cut bird and flower too!!

  4. Yummylicious layout Yvonne.... I love that BG line!!! Perfect for your food photos!!! Awesome...

    hmmm I love to eat...thats why I PUSH myself to exercise at least 4 times a week!!!...coz I'm paranoid!!! he he...


  5. First of all I love John Mellencamp!!!! I love this layout and love that you did a scrap page on food! I could be taking pictures all week of the things I cooked! Thank you so much for the inspiration and you did a fabulous job as usual.. loving the color/pattern combo!

  6. Congrats on the GDT!!!! This is AWESOME!! LOVING the photos and love love love love the colors!!!! You need to come to the US... I totally think an Amy, Yvonne and Julie session is in order!! :)

  7. Yummo! My friends son is traveling the world right now taking cooking classes in every country and small village he can find them in. Right now he is in Vietnam I think.

  8. Love this! Yum!!!!!!!!!!! Very nice design for this!

  9. Fun layout... I take lots of food photos.. but you know me and layouts.

  10. Hi 5 on this one I see that cute hand. Delish layout....

  11. love this. that food looks yummy!! I love to eat too but I don't excersice so I'm so not in shape!

  12. Ooooh looks so tasty!! I love to eat too!! Sadly no time for exercise in this crazy life of mine so doesn't happen often enough!! Great documentation here!!!

  13. Yup, I love to eat, too!! You are tempting me with this super delicious the colors and composition! My motto is "I exercise, therefor I can eat"!

  14. Oh, YUM!! You know I love to eat, too ;). And an approval stamp that says "Eat it! You burned ___ calories in your last workout!"?? I'll take one!!

    Fabulous layout, Yvonne!!

  15. beautiful layout and design. I love to eat as well, but I'm a few years short in the exercise department, lol. Love all the details and the colors as well.

  16. Love the title as it draws your eyes to the yummy pictures! Wonderful layout!

  17. SOOOO fun! I love that little green hand! Such a great embellie!! I wish I could exercise more--I used to do it 3 hours a day and eat 10 grapes, 10 crackers, a salad, etc. for the entire day. OY! I think that was a bit extreme---so I'm trying to find an in between. :)

  18. me too and this food looks so yummy.. great layout..

  19. Wow. Love all the pattern on this!

  20. Love the photos here! And, your confession! I have to confess I sometimes think about how much I'll need to work out that day and sometimes plan my work out as I'm eating something yummy ;)

  21. Super yummy layout! So striking and vibrant - love it!

  22. cool layout!! have to ask, do you get funny looks when photographing your food before eating it? lol

  23. So awesome the gdt, and yum,yum,yum on the layout!

  24. Totally fun page Ms. Foodie ;)

  25. yum yum! :) Love the page! I was thinking how to use that background paper...!! good inspiration! :D

  26. Great multi photo lo and what delicious photos!!! I haven't had breakfast yet and you are making me hungry!! Love the cacophony of colours and patterns. Perfect for echoing your pictures. Congratulations on the GDT spot :0)

  27. mmmm.... these look so yummy! love seeing your food pages! congrats on the GDT spot, too!

  28. Such a yummy layout my friend...



Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.