

How has your style evolved?


It is interesting how one's style can evolve over time. This was a canvas I did back in April. When my mixed media arsenal was pretty much Maya mists and whatever Tim Holtz made me buy [yes, that man's such an enabler! *LOL*]...

Some wrapping tissue and doilies...lots of mists, stickles and Graphic 45 patterned papers.
[This card which features the use of  doilies was first shared in the Three Cool Chicks' Let's Get Trendy Now! workshop held in May.]

Then I discovered Golden mediums....and these were the results...

Tell me, how has your style evolved?



  1. awesome canvases...There was a time that I did lots of layers and not so much. I don't know if it is my style evolving or laziness:)

  2. Beautiful canvas... I love all of them, you were great before your style evolved!hugs

  3. All your canvases are beautiful the before as well as the after ones...i think recently though you are trying out more of bright colors which really adds so much to the overall look!!

  4. You do the most awesome canvasses!

  5. I'm not sure -- I think it depends if I am having a lazy day or not... lol!! I loveeeeeeeeeee this!!! You know I love me some G45 and loving the textures!!!

  6. Wow! GORGEOUS!!!!!! Love this! Love all of them!

  7. They are all great, fun see the change over time!!! I don't think I evolve, I do pretty much same, same... :)

  8. I love your style so whimsical. I think my style is best described as CAS now. I think it has always been my style since I started making cards and scrapbooking.

  9. I love ALL your work... although your first piece is closer to my style and I'm drawn to that one. I tried nearly everything and came back to the distressed, shabby look... with plenty of flowers. But I wonder... will we all modify our styles latter on in the game?

  10. Good question and funny you should ask. Check out this post of mine:

    BTW just curious who won Colleen Dietrich's challenge way back when. I've been doing some housekeeping ;)

  11. Aah now there's a question!!! That is what I love the most about this is ever changing :0) Love seeing how your style has 'brightened' up....but still loving your grungy look!!

  12. those canvases are beautiful!!...

    I used to use lots of "expensive" embellishments... usually have tons on one LO....when I look at my OLD LOs.... gives me creep!!! i minimize and incorporate other techniques... and I love negative space.... too...

    enjoy your weekend my friend... hugs...xoxo

  13. i love seeing your mixed media canvases and this is amazing as all the rest. really love how you cut up your patterned paper and build a scene with them. so cool!

  14. It's funny how things changes with what we buy lol, either way all of your canvases looks like magic!!

  15. I dunno, I LOVE the first one and the other three are awesome too! They are all fabulous. So much fun! Tim enables you too huh? Scrappy Pusher, lol.

  16. My gosh, your canvases are so fabulous! Really love the fun vintage vibe of the latest!
    My style has definitely evolved quite a bit.....when I first started, all I did was stamping with lots of cardstock. Now I hardly ever touch cardstock, and don't do too much stamping.....:)

  17. Amazing stuff make such unique projects

  18. love all the canvases dear, like mine best! :))

  19. Amazing project!! Love the G45 papers u used

  20. Well I have to say all your canvases here look amazing. I am thinking I still need a bit of help with mixed media. But it sure is fun to play with.


  21. I love them all. I think change is constant and good for the creative mind!

  22. I wish I could buy these Golden products I keep reading about! I can't even see them online!! Aha I will buy them in Singapore for sure!! Must remember my big box to ship everything back!!! I love how your style has evolved - lighter and more modern!!

  23. To answer this fascinating question... hmm. First I was all frilly and romantic and literally filled all available space in my layouts. They would take weeks to complete. Now I have maybe an hour a night to complete DT assignments with a certain amount of must use materials in each page so I tend to be minimalist and more graphic. I also rarely "shop my stash" since I hate cleaning up afterwards so I tend to use the latest thing I bought and whatever is on my scrap desk at the moment.
    I love the texture in your canvases! I tend to stay away from Golden products- I'm broke as it is- I can't afford another high end product addiction (I had to draw the line at paper- sad face). They are on my list though- the purity of those colors is fantastic.

  24. This is great. Love all your arts. I have to try some of your tutorials. I am making mostly digital scrapbooking but this is so cool. I could even use some digital stuff for such a projects. Thank you for your articles.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.