

Exploring styles: Clash of the patterns

As you know, I haven't quite found my style yet. This happens when you are afflicted with the Shiny Object Syndrome. *LOL* But I do know that I love patterned papers. They are my go-to supply when I feel uninspired. They just make me happy. Last month, we explored the minimalist style. Shall we explore the clash of the patterns today? *winks*

Suit up

Vary the visual weight of the patterns.

In design, visual weight relates to how heavy elements in a design are, relative to each other. Darker colours tend to be heavier so we tend use them in small doses. They are great for creating visual contrast and drawing attention to important elements. 

In this layout, the black from the men's suits and the scallop border are used to keep the focus on the photos. The colourful polka-dotted paper, with the small patterns and lighter colours, takes up less visual weight and is used to break up the "heaviness" of the red houndstooth paper. The buttons and paper blooms add small doses of colour to create interest.

Upcycled box using scraps

Use textures to soften a pattern.

Here the background paper was really loud and bright. Adding some lace helped to tone it down and soften the pattern. Adding elements of different textures like the pearls and buttons help to create visual harmony.

After a visit to my mane man

Keep to the same colour family.

It is easy to mix and match patterns within the same colour family. I mixed several collections of American Crafts and Pebbles patterned papers in this layout. 

Party card

Keep patterns within a visual triangle.

Here I mixed patterned papers from 4 different paper manufacturers. The background woodgrain patterned paper is subtle and serves as "white space".  The black bow and the two stamped images form a visual triangle where the bulk of the patterns are.

So, what do you think? Do you like mixing patterns? Let me know in the comments section. :)



  1. I have learned so much in just this one post!!! Brilliant! I have the same papers as in the first layout for years and thought I would never use them ... OMGOD I can't wait to use them now..thank you for taking your time to share all the wonderful tips and I am in love with these layouts!!

  2. What a great post! I LOVE mixing patterns and am inspired by the tips you shared - especially about using a texture to mute a pattern! Thanks for the tips!

  3. I love clashing patterns! You do it so well!!

  4. thank you for the useful tips....I love mixing patterns too!

  5. i love using patterned paper, too. and always admire how you mix them in your layouts. these are awesome tips. thanks so much for sharing, Yvonne!

  6. You always give the best tips and ideas!!!! I think I am good at mixing patterns and then I go back and look at my lo's/projects again... and BLAH!!! I don't always like the end result! LOL!! :)

  7. Always love all of your tips and your projects!

  8. love my patterned paper!!! fab tips :)

  9. sorry for not always here leaving a comment. How are you? Aha....simply a beautiful pages an altered tin. Gorgeous babe!

  10. Great job with patterned paper, the LOs look fab. Thanks for all you tips, I might give it a try to use colourful paper with pattern on, I think the gesso will be used as well lol
    Have a great week :)))

  11. Yvonne you are a scrapbookers much technique and logic all combined into beautiful creations!!

  12. Great tips I especially love the one with the covered lace. Thanks for sharing these beautiful projects

  13. I love clashing patterns.. I really do!!! and you nailed them always...THis is a great post ... you shared the best tips .. always... thanks ... hugs...xoxo

  14. Awesome creation !!! Love them all, you are always so good at explaining things, those tips are sure very helpful!!! Thanks for sharing!

  15. OMGosh girl, you have got style, balance and I love how you mix it up! So fabulous.

  16. TFS your wonderful tips. Not finding your style yet = Being more innovative than the rest!!!

  17. know how much I love color and patterns! Love this post and hey, I recognize that card:)

  18. Love your tips, Yvonne! You are so creative, and you definitely rock the patterned papers!!

  19. You so rock mixing patterns. Thanks for the amazing inspiration!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  20. Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous creations! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  21. Wonderful tips Yvonne. Love all your creations too. Have a great day!

  22. I am always learning new technique from you..this post is awesome for all of us. You are so inspiring.. Thanks for sharing..

  23. Great tips! You are the master of multiple patterns.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.