

Single photo or multi-photo layouts?


This year, I find myself doing fewer single photo layouts and incorporating more photos on each layout instead. My rationale is simple...

1. Multi-photos help to tell a story better.
2. I do fewer layouts per event.
3. It takes up less space.

[This layout which features snippets from my cousin's wedding, was first shared in the Three Cool Chicks' Let's Get Trendy Now! workshop held in May. It highlights the use of baker's twine.]

Nobody talks about this...but while I want to preserve family memories, I am also mindful not to accumulate too much for future generations.You know the man's treasure is another man's junk? *LOL* 

What about you? What kind of layouts do you gravitate towards - single photo or multi-photo layouts?

Supplies: GCD Studio patterned papers, The Twinery twine, American Crafts thickers, SRM sticker, Ranger crackle paint in rock candy, corrugated cardboard, tulle, button.



  1. Hey girlie... 1st of all ... I love your layout... you have done so well with multi photos collage on your layouts lately... I love it...but mostly I enjoy looking at them...always put a smile!!! And I also love how you interpret the stories too.... Awesome....

    Personally when I start to create a layout... its usually Random..And one thing about me... I can tell more than just one story within A photo, so thats why sometimes I can do repetition of photos...[see im such a story teller eh!]

    thanks for sharing... you have so to share... thats one thing I like about U!! big hugs...xoxo

  2. Great layout! I usually use multiple photos...two page layouts. I have found that lately, though, I have done quite a few one page, one photo layouts, which is quite unlike me!

  3. This is a great page! Love the crocheted edge and the different subjects of each photo. Multi vs. single....totally depends on the story. If more photos tell the story more clearly, I'll use more. If more photos take away from any one photo, I'll use less. I'm getting a lot better at giving myself permission not to scrap every single photo. And, of course, if there is one photo that grabs my heart, it gets a page of its own :)

    1. I agree. Sometimes a standout photo does deserve a page of its own.

  4. *slapping my forehead* -- I was just getting ready to write a post about this cause I keep getting asked about HOW many pages I create... lol... Hanging head in shame... :)

    I love love love love your lo!! LOVING the photos, the colors and loving the fussy cutting!!!!

    1. Go with what works for you. I have space constraints and future generations are looking at even smaller homes so it could be overwhelming to leave too much for them.

  5. Multi, for exactly the reasons you stated! At age 6, Trevor already has a whole shelf full of scrapbooks. I can only imagine how much there will be when he's 18 and ready to move out. And that's with doing lots of multi-photo pages!

  6. wow I love how you used the ribbon and the twine..such a beautiful page..

  7. Such a gorgeous page!! Love how you used the bakers twine!!
    I gravitate toward one photo layouts these days, but just completed a page with a bunch of smaller photos. I used to do almost all of my pages with lots of photos, and lots of 2-page layouts. These days I'm creating fewer pages and enjoying the process. :-) ~ Blessings, Tracey

    1. I'm also focusing more on design and the story rather then quantity. :)

  8. Oh this is just Gorgeous!!! love your LO Yvonne.......I really like the way the multi photo's are able to tell a story so clearly like in this LO of have added such Beautiful details here !!!

  9. I always have problems with more than one picture on a lay out, but need to try it again i think, it looks stunning!

  10. A beautiful collage of a special day. I admire anyone who can do multi photo layouts I am never happy with mine. One photo and lots of white space is the way for me! You have my admiration ;0)

  11. I don't scrapbook, but I love both ways, really - probably my favourite is this type of multi-photo layout, where many of the photos are smaller & tell a part of the story that the large photo sums up :) Love this fabulous page - and I totally know what you mean about saving "too much" for later. I try to remember to live & enjoy the moments (as well as occasionally photograph them).

  12. OMGosh, this is stunning, Yvonne! Really amazing! I so love the contrast of the elegant flowers and trims against the woodgrain background, and really love your photo arrangement. The framework you created with trim is gorgeous!I really know what you mean about accumulating too much stuff for future generations. I got a bit overwhelmed by the amount of scrapbooks I already have to pass on to my kids. Just seems like too much. I think that's why I hardly ever do pages anymore. :)

    1. Yep. I'm slowing down and really documenting special moments.

  13. Wow! This is a real beauty!!!!!!! Love everything about it!

  14. Love your multiphoto layout. The design and colors are perfect and it definetly tells it's own story. love all the pretty little details too. I think I like multiphoto layouts better but what do I know? I've not done too many, lol.

  15. Your layout is fantastic! Love all the twine and pretty little touches. This year, I seem to be all about the one really great photo as a focal point so I tend to do one photo layouts, but like sketches that challenge me to do multi-photo layouts. Have a great day!

  16. I love the lace and twine and button that goes with this layout! and the fussy cutting! :)
    Love this layout! :D

  17. Wonderful layout, Yvonne!!! FAB use of twine and beautiful photos!!!!

  18. wonderful layout and tips, I am a one photo layout kind of girl, but I would sure love to try working more on multi-photo layout soon.

    blogging from Japan ~ kirsty

  19. LOOOOOOOVE all the twine and the curved edges! LOVE the photos and idea behind more photos on a page! I never think about using more than one---probably because I only make one page every six months! LOL!

  20. such an elegant layout dear, love the story told by all the pictures..i definitely try to use more than one photo where ever I could club them.

  21. Love this layout!!! I love single page layouts with multiple pics but occasionally double pagers can tell the story best if it's epic... Lol.

  22. I love your layout! I'm a multi-photo girl. I feel like the more pictures I can share, the more I'll remember about the experience.

  23. When I scrapbook, which I know I need to do more of, I tend to be a single shot....LOVE this project definitely tells a story.

  24. I love this multi photo LO, made in a fab wedding style as well. it is a good way to, as you say your self,do more with less ;)

  25. absolutely love how you framed this, Yvonne! gorgeous!

  26. I love what you did with the twine! I do single and multi photo layouts but I think the main thing is not to take too many photos! Yup I never compete in those photo a day challenges or I'd have too many photos to scrap LOL!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.