

An upcycled compact mirror case...


I admit. I'm lazy. I may have a ton of things in my handbag but they don't include makeup. I do have a lipstick in there somewhere...I'm sure. *winks* I always marvel at ladies who bring an arsenal of makeup out and do touch-ups in the ladies' room. That takes dedication. *LOL* 

Since I only apply my makeup once in the morning, it takes me a really really long time to finish a standard size compact before it expires. I thought I could put one to good use with a little patterned paper, washi tape, button and stickles....

Then I added some beads and photo of my nephews....and now it is grandma's little brag book. She whips it out when she reapplies her lipstick...:)

Supplies: American Crafts patterned papers, Ranger stickles and glossy accents, Fancy Pants star felt, washi tape, corrugated cardstock, button, plastic embellishment, compact mirror case.

P/s: If you have some fun ideas for using mirrors, come join in the fun at LESSology Challenge #19: Mirror, mirror on the wall! :)



  1. You are just amazing, you know that??!?!!??!? I just always LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE when you alter... this is AWESOME!!!!

  2. this is fabulous Yvonne!! love it!!

  3. Girl you are full of amazing ideas...this is so awesome..

  4. Yvonne you are so creative!!! I love the button for the camera lens idea!

  5. What a smart cookie you are!! Love your recycling, Yvonne! GREAT idea!

  6. What a cool, smart and creative idea!!! I have a few of those.... LOVE this!!!!

  7. goodness girl you are so creative!!!!! LOVE this :)

    *i only put on make up three days a week and that is only for work!! lol

  8. You are so clever and so smart and you give a whole new dimension to the item you up cycle/alter.I just loved this idea.Superb and I hope to enter this time once I unpack and have my craft goodies at my disposal.

  9. Sigh!!!!... this is so creative...and YOU my friend... one word!!! brilliant!!!....

    im just like you...i dont have make-up pouch in my bag..only lipstick too... and I dont touch up[i hate that cake-y feel and oily face!]... likewise... one compact last me 6 months..and my year!....

    See me after 8 hours.... You surely spot my ugly spots!!!

  10. this is absolute creation ...very innovative .

  11. Wonderful idea. And i am even lazier - I don't even put on the makeup in the morning and now I am getting to the stage where I don't even bother when I go out for the evening!

  12. What a smart and wonderful idea!! I love the camera with the button lens! wow!!!!

  13. Okay now you have set my creative juices on fire.....hmmm that sounds gross!!!!!!!!
    What I mean to say is WOW Yvonne what a fabulous fabulous idea I am like you usually a lipstick can be found somewhere in my bag i love makeup but never seem to make the effort to really paint myself!! so now I know what to do with used up compact cases....brag book you are a genious!!!!!!!!!!!
    thanks for sharing hugz

  14. This is an amazing idea! How creative and I love this so much!!!

  15. I don't see funner project than this!!!. Ahhh, little pleasures in your palm :). Brilliant idea, Yvonne.

  16. Wow ..what an amazing you to think up something like this.... its really so adorable...who would have thought of a compact case brag are a genius at upcycling :)

  17. What a great idea. You are so talented when it comes to recycling something.

  18. Wow! What a neat idea! Love it!

  19. These compacts are super cute, and I love yours much better than the average compact. These little peeps are much more fun than make-up, lol. Love how you used your compact!

  20. SOOOOO cute! LOVE the papers!!! I love that you can create/recreate just about ANYTHING!!!!

  21. I LOVE this. The only way I would love it more is if you changed the title from Team to Gangster Gang. Then it would be the coolest thing ever.

  22. LOVE THIS! This is way better to keep in your purse than makeup :) I lack that dedication too, lol!
    What a great gift for your mom - I bet she LOVES it!

  23. This is Soooooo coooool!!!! What a fab idea to decorate a make up case, super fun to use as a gift as well.
     

  24. such a cool and fun project!!! a muti-tasker of a mirror! fabulous idea. love love this, Yvonne!

  25. lol...reading your post and what a brilliant idea of using the compact powder casing to alter. Gorgeous and cute!

  26. Aww man, this is a totally cool project Yvonne! I've got cleaning out my makeup and throwing old stuff away on my list to do this week so super glad I saw this!!! The beads look rockin'!

  27. I love cute little things too ;) Lovely creation. TFS

  28. This is AMAZING!!!! Love the colors, the super cute photo, the beads.....AMAZING!

  29. What a fun use for an old make-up compact! This is uh-dorable. And I'm with you.......pulling out a full arsenal of make-up for touch-ups is waaaaaaaaay too much work for me!

  30. You must be the Queen of Upcycled art :)))))))

  31. oh wow! that is so clever Y! I havnt seen this before so this is very new to me and so fabulous/ i love the addition of beads.

  32. This is such a cute idea! Love the addition of the microbeads!!

  33. Nice Blog. Thanks for sharing with us. Keep Sharing!!

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Cheers, Yvonne.