

I have a problem with rub-ons. Do you?


The two older nephews really like to play with this yam plant along the pathway en route to the playground....pretending it's a big umbrella or a monster plant.... *LOL*

I'm happy I got to use some of my rub-on stash. It could be the heat and humidity here but rub-ons don't last very long here....either they get rubbed on to the backing paper or they don't rubbed off at all like the squiggly brown scribble at the base of the layout....I just fussy-cut and adhered with matt accents. Do you have the same problem with rub-ons or is it just me? [Yep, I no longer buy rub-ons, just furiously use them when someone sends some to me! *LOL*]

Supplies: Graphic 45 patterned papers, Crafter's Workshop template, Maya mist, Prima canvas letters, American Crafts puffy stickers (brackets), corner rounder, circle punch, brown pen, rub-ons.

I was inspired by the sketch at Scrap Therapy.

P/s: Come play along with my guest Hussena's challenge and LESSology Challenge #1: Fun with envelopes!



  1. They don't last long here either ... 115 degrees today and no humidity... they dry out fast... EXCEPT for 7gypsies and Bo Bunny's... they don't!

    I loveeeeeeeeeeeee your lo!! I love love love love the masked background, the photo and LOVING the G45 scarecrows!!!!

  2. Super fun and super gorgeous page. LOVE the framing of the big photo with them scare crows and super cute mini photo circles in the corner!!!

  3. That's a great photo Yvonne and how appropriate to use the scare crows for the kids hiding in the foliage!! I'm not a big rub-on user either..they stick everywhere but I did buy some after doing the She-Art class :D

  4. Gorgeous Layout Yvonne.. I love the photo...matched so well with PP used!!! me the GGGGRRRRR!!!!... I never buy them now... too.... hugs...xoxo

  5. I have used rub ons a lot lately and have given the stuff away so not sure whether it lasts or not...I think this is one of your best LOs.I love the complete feel of it playful...You have worked on the phot too and the whole thing has blended like a decoupage art....superb....One of my fav amongst your work.Well done.

  6. This is simply gorgeous Yvonne!! i love the theme and the way you have created a story with the fun pics and those scare snehal says this is definitely one of your best :)

  7. That looks like fun to play with :) Love the scarecrows to go with!
    As for rub-ons, some brands are better than others, but I find they don't last well. If I open the package, I'd better be using it up, especially if it's sentiments. Image ones tend to last a little bit longer.

  8. I love what you have created here.....just fabulous. The scarecrows are awesome. Thanks for joining in with us at Scrap Therapy.

  9. Wow! Love this!!!!!!!!!!! The way you have the characters on top of the pic looks stunning! Wow...what a fabulous lo!

  10. Great layout Yvonne. I used to love rubons but no longer use them. I love the EAD stickerz and have had no problems with them.

  11. oh wow Yvonne - what a scene you have created - its so playful and fabulous!!

    I just could never handle rubons right from the beginning of their arrival on the scene - so really never bought them - one too many muck-ups... (rolling eyes)

  12. What a darling LO with these sweet and fun scarecrow images!! I don't use rub-ons much, but I think there is a huge difference between manufacturers. ~ Blessings, Tracey

  13. This LO make me smile. It is so cute. I just love the design my friend.. Well done....

    And Yes I do have the same problem. I have made my own rub-ons. right from the computer. They sell the rub-on materials at the craft store.


  14. Some rub ons are just horrible...but I do think they are effected or is that affected by the temps are drastically different from your temps...I always have good luck with EAD and Hambly {RIP}..

    Such a fun layout of the kiddies.

  15. I love rub-ons, but they sure don't love heat and I can see why they give you trouble. Totally LOVE this layout, Yvonne! So fun and playful and those scarecrows look simply amazing on here!

  16. Amazing LO and photo love how u surrounded the photo with the scarecrows

  17. This has to be one of your best!
    I have used mostly K & Company rub-ons and they seem to adhere to cardstock better. All of my LOs with ZVA dots have fallen apart because the adhesive had dried up :(((((

  18. Loving this!!!! Amazing picture and love the cut work!!! I do like to work with rub-ons but they can be a pain. I find that most of them stick to the paper backing.

  19. ok this is my all time fav of your layouts!!! love the little photos on top that look like eyes (to me) and how you fussy cut the frame (tons of work girl!)

    *and i learned something, yams grow on a plant?? desert rat that i am i don't know such things ;)

    as far as rub ons, yup EAD rocks!! they are not the same as other rubons so they work best for me.
    don't have the humidity you do so my other brands (that i never use!) are still good. :)

  20. Fun layout! Don't do rub-on for the same reasons.

  21. That is one awesome yam plant. I'd want to play under it too! I don't use rub-ons nearly as often as I should. We don't have humidity issues here so I haven't had the problems you mentioned. I've had a few brands go bad over time, but most of my older ones work just fine when I finally get around to using them.

  22. I love your project Yvonne!
    so pretty and well designed...
    as far as rub-ons go...well, I don't buy them anymore!!

  23. The only problem I have with rub-ons is that I have to much and don't use them enough :( The layout is great so I guess you don't need actual rubed-on rub-ons :)

  24. SOOOOOOO fun! LOVE that you used rub-ons! I have had the same problems that you do with them! Glad I'm not the only one <3

  25. This is so pretty! I just worked with rubons today and thought I need to use them up quickly before they get wrecked!

  26. I have THAT same problem with rubons!, so much so I have stopped buying them LOL. Anyway, this is a fun layout!!. I remembered my late gramma has yam plants in her vegetable garden. One time we kids cut some of the leaves and our skin were all itchy from the goo. LOL. fun times.

  27. I try not to buy rub-ons...I always find that they don't last long enough...can be pretty frustrating when u rub at them, and you don't get anything transferred on the project! Love your LO btw, that splash of green is wonderful!! :)

  28. Absolutely Amazing ..... This must be one of the COOOOOLEST LO I have ever seen! It's an adorable picture and how fun it must be to play in the Yam plants.
    I love The Magic of Oz papers from G45 and what you have done is so creative :)
    I don't use rub ons much, possible for the same reason, but
    I do find that bigger ones are better than small ones( hate letter rub ons!!!) I don't have to worry about the heat where I live lol :P

  29. I suppose living in Washington makes it great for having rub-ons! I don't seem to have that problem. Only a couple times has it stuck to the back ground. I'm a rub-on FANATIC! That layout is awesome how the rub-ons frame the photo!

  30. Same here. I used to love them but now I avoid buying them. It's a hassle trying to rub them and most often than not, I only managed to rub half of the image. Love your colorful page!

  31. Awesome page!!!! I too have the same problem with rub-ons so I never buy them anymore! If I get sent some I try use them up asap to get rid of them... LOL!

  32. oh, so even Rub Ons don't last in this summer?! :)
    Love how you used two circle photos in the corner. genius!

  33. This is one of my fave so far...
    Love it - cute scrarecrows!

  34. I'm so over rub-ons. I can never get them to turn out right. I'll use what I have but I won't spend another penny on those enticing things.

  35. Aaah love this one Miss Y!! super great photo, just look at that plant - humungous! love all the fussy cutting and the misting/masking. Really such a fabbo page! xox

  36. those photos are just too cute! love how you framed the image with your amazing fuzzy cutting. super layout, Yvonne!

  37. Jeepers, this is utterly fantastic! Just love what you used to take advantage of the theme of the photo!!

  38. What a fun and funky layout Yvonne! Yup I have the same problem with rub-ons. They are not my favourite embellishment - not that easy to use and as you say, some are too steadfast & others rub off on the backing...


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.