

What do you like to reminisce about when looking at scrapbook pages?


What do you like to reminisce about when looking at scrapbook pages?
For me, I like to laugh at funny moments captured in snapshots that tell a story..... like these pictures of my cousins. The larger picture shows the bride, about to toss her bridal can see her sister in the foreground...No prizes for guessing who caught the bouquet... *winks*

Playing along with the challenges at Scrapbook365 and City Crafter Challenge.

Supplies: Luxe patterned papers, Cuttlebug embossing folder, EK success punches, SRM sticker, trim, brad, black button, butterfly embellishments.



  1. I love this page! Such a great layout that allows you to totally focus on the picture and the story. Wow. I wouldn't even have thought about using the bg paper as I would have thought it was too busy, but you toned it down so well that now I want the paper!!

  2. such a lovely page. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a kind comment. I've been stalking your projects on Facebook, but haven't blogged much lately. you always inspire.
    As far as scrapping goes, I love looking at the photos and the memories they bring. Always so fun.
    Happy Sunday!!!

  3. Very striking layout! Love how you added the red and how you used the clock for the O in toss!

  4. Hey Buddy...

    Unique for a wedding layout ..Black awesome... and I really heart your handwriting!!! its neat and pretty!!! Great and lovely photos... ... as far as the scrapping goes... What I really enjoy - is reading the story I told...As you may be aware that I did have repetition of photos... and I do find it amazing that I can relate with too many stories... using the same photo!... I'm such a story-teller eh... but now...I try to minimize using the same photos... [wink]

    Enjoy the rest of the week...hugs...xoxo

  5. What a fun LO!! I agree that remembering the fun times is one of the great things about scrapbooking!! ~ Blessings

  6. I love this!! I love how you used that background page and the embossed silver. I love the pop of red too! This is just awesome! :)
    And fun memories too!

  7. fun lo and love the story behind the pics.

  8. love the black with a bit of red :)
    another beauty for her scrapbook!!!

    ok did you catch the bouquet? ;)

    hubby and i like to "re live" our trips when looking at scrapbooks :)

  9. Loveeeeeeeeeee this! LOVING the color combo, the photos, and LOVING that clock for the "O"!!! Just BEAUTIFUL!!!

  10. FAB page, Yvonne! And the photos are wonderful!!!!

  11. OMG! Black! So gorgeous! Love the pictures and the fabulous way you have put everything together.

  12. Great job thinking outside of the box (as usual!) love this :0)

  13. Gorgeous page... :D

    Ash... :)

  14. What a Gorgeous LO Yvonne... i love the black tones you have used ..its so elegant and romantic!! Fab pics as well!!

  15. black and white is hard to make look good but you made it look AMAZING!!! Love the story behind the photo too!!!

  16. Yvonnes, this is so good! Great pics and your LO lets 'em stay the focus amongst lots of goodies and all that black.

  17. Wow! This really grabs you...the black with the tad of red is so striking! Awesome page!

  18. Love the vibrant background and the little pops of red!

  19. Great page! I love your use of color, pattern and texture. And the clock O is awesome!

  20. awesome how you labeled the pictures...the bride the sister...looks cool...

  21. Elegant and beautiful, thanks for playing along with us at CCCB!

  22. awesome layout. love the pop of red.

  23. What a fabulous LO, very striking. Thank you for taking part in our challenge:)

  24. What do I like to remember while browsing thro my scrapbooks? The story behind the picture, of course and also rethink the creative process behind the LO. Some are perfect pages and the others, I would love to tweak a bit!

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  27. love the elegance of this...very pretty. awesome pis!

  28. What a wonderful page.. So elegant I just love it.. Thanks so much for playing along with us at CCCB!

  29. you offset the busy background beautifully on this, Yvonne! wonderful details and love the story!

  30. Gorgeous page, Yvonne! Love the colors and papers you used and love the bold and graphic prints. The pop of red is fabulous and I adore the embossed silver paper. Such a fun title, too!

  31. Cute photos! Yes ultimately it's the great photos that count and you never fail to showcase them beautifully!!

  32. love this page! the colours and the two photos to distinguish bride n sis...wonderfully put together! :)

  33. Fabulous layout and so original - love it!

  34. Great LO! Love the colours you've chosen!

  35. I love your page, Yvonne!! Fabulous choice of patterned papers and details! Gorgeous!! Thanks for joining us :)

  36. Gorgeous page - I love the use of the bold pattern. TFS


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.