

A girl really knows how to tug at heartstings...

Girly girl

When my niece came along after nephews #1, 2 and 3, I decided that I wasn't going to be overly attached to this kid. Being an overzealous aunt is hard work and I would love to get my weekends back! *LOL* But of course, a girl really knows how to tug at heartstrings, to draw you in with her charm....

Plus I can never resist a smart kid. Damn. I love that at 14 months.... she remembers what I taught her last week, can already participate in roll call [to ensure the kids are alive and kicking, I do a roll call and the nephews respond with "alive" to indicate all is well], says "yes" when I ask if she wants to eat or play, claps her hands and smiles when I sing "happy birthday", can roll the ball to me perfectly, can "high-five" me, can climb up and down a couch and entertain herself for at least an hour and falls asleep within 10 minutes of hearing my melodious voice singing "Sing a song of sixpence" [okay, okay...the melodious part is pushing it...*LOL*].

Just a fun layout using this month's Artful Delight kit...the doodling with mists was a total accident....I tried to remove some dried paint particles and got streaks that looked like it was done by a kid with I just went along with it. Kind of like the "fun" vibe it adds to the layout. What do you think?

Entering this for the splatter challenge at Moxie Fab World.

Supplies: Artful Delight May 2012 kit, Maya mists, EK success punch, buttons, ribbon, brown pen, stick.

P/s: If you are playing along with The Three Cool Chicks, you have until 31st May to upload your creations for a chance at some prizes! :)



  1. This is so pretty, love that yellow paper!

  2. Hmmm I think you have fallen head over heels in love with this little sweetie :0) A lovely layout to capture the beauty of your niece.

  3. That little girl has a great SMILE! And this LO is so fun, and she is one smart cookie!!!

  4. Pretty LO! Love the colours used... Cute photos of ur niece too :)

  5. I think you're wrapped around her little finger :) Hard to resist! She really is adorable, and clever :) Love the pinwheels & those super sweet clothespins!

  6. Awww, so cute - the story, the pics, the LO! The splatters look intentional and the pinwheels are fun.

  7. Such a sweet layout, you really took this kit and created some amazing pages!

  8. Your little niece is so cute :) Love the bright and fun layout!!

  9. What a cute lo, lovely picures!

  10. she is so cute...those pictures are adorable...Love your page...these pinwheel are too fun and love the spatter in the background...great layout..

  11. This is adorable, Yvonne! So bright and happy. I love the framework you created on here, and the pinwheels are adorable. Love the dried paint splotches, too. does totally look like crayon. :)

  12. Too cute! Love the entire look of this and the pinwheel and clothpins...fab!

  13. Beautiful layout- I love the color combo! And I absolutely adore that you do roll call.

  14. I loooooove the double pics! I also love the clothes pins! Great papers--fab LO all together:)

  15. I definitely like the fun vibe those streaks add to this sweetie pie layout. Your roll call sounds hilarious!!! And you sound like such a fun auntie. :D

  16. so cute! Love the pin wheels you made! such a bright lovely layout!

    thanks for your tip on misting. I'm going to try them out after I receive my order from SC.. which is going to take some time, yawn... LOL... thanks again!

  17. Cute LO Yvonne. It is so bright and beautiful. TFS

  18. WHAT A CUTIE! Love the paint trails too!!

  19. I think the paint splatter trails are perfect and your niece is just adorable - hard to resist those sweet little girls!

  20. :):):)
    Cute!!!!! Soooo cute and totally darling!!!!!

  21. What a smart little sweetie!! LOVING the photos, the colors and loveeeeeeeeee the little clips!!!!

  22. Gorgeous layout loving the candy colors here!!! Hugs..xoxo

  23. I have to tell you, you are now the queen of my layouts world. Your styles {I can see several that you entertain on your LOs} appeal to me in such strong ways. Of course I love the showcasing of photos on a layout, and then journaling is a must-have for me because without context and dates, I'm lost. Anyway, the touches you give to your LOs, the sweet things you add because they're "just right" are not going unnoticed! And the backgrounds you create??? I'm in awe.

  24. she is soooo adorable!! and do you just love happy accidents like this? darling layout!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.