

Everybody loves leftovers...

Everybody loves leftovers

For the older [read: frugal] generation, the best part of the wedding is the "after-party"...the one where they get to pack the leftovers! Pictured are my mum and aunt, beaming away because they scored loads of leftovers...everybody loves leftovers! *LOL*

My cousin had one of those international buffet-style wedding dinners where they keep replenishing the trays even after people have stopped eating [probably to make the $130/person price tag seem less pricey]. So when the party was over, there was still plenty of food. And the older folks started to "party" with their leftover containers! *LOL* It was hilarious to glad I have that on video! *winks*

This layout was made with Artful Delight's May 2012 kit where I'm the guest designer this month. :)

Supplies: Artful Delight's May 2012 kit, Mister Huey's mists, Studio Calico banner mask, iron grid (as a mask), Prima canvas letters, buttons, brown pen.



  1. Gorgeous layout the banner ..and your misting as always beautifully done!!! Have a great week Yvonne... hugs...xoxo

  2. Absolutely beautiful Yvonne! Love the misting and that fun photo too!

  3. Love this story and love that photo, and WOW, what a gorgeous layout, too! Fabulous misted background. Love the flowers. And that banner?? EEKK, that's just beyond gorgeous! The layers of twine is so, so cool!

  4. I too love the misting and the banners.

    $130 a plate is that true? Our family is the opposite, no leftovers here, please.

  5. LOL!! That is FUNNY!!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee your lo!! LOVING the misting and that photo just cracks me up!!!

  6. LOL...your layout/story is fabulous...isn't that an asian thing? I had a friend bring a container when we went to lunch an all you can eat embarrassing.

  7. Wow, amazing LO. Love the bold colors you used in your misting and the grid mask pattern!! So much FUN!! Thanks for your kind comments at my blog. I am a new follower. ~ Blessings

  8. wow this is so AWESOME...I love how you did that banner and the added twine...just perfect...great color and fun picture...

  9. Oh how pretty! Love that sweet cute!

  10. Congrats on your GDT position! What a beautiful photo and lovely layout!! The oldies are funny but their generation was indeed very frugal and we could learn from that!

  11. love the layout and great photo, nothing wrong with left overs,lol

  12. Awesome page and such a fun topic to scrap! I'm not officially from the frugal generation, but I certainly wouldn't turn down leftovers!

  13. This is sooo fun! I love leftovers.

  14. Oh my goodness! Your misting is insane!!! LOVE this one!

  15. haha... leftovers... yea... I totally get that... LOL

    Love your layout... whoa on the misting!.. how do you get your paper flatten out when you mist so much on it? doesn't it become wavy? hehe.. that's my dilemma ...

  16. oh yes, it's the "no leftover left behind" policy! =) my mom and aunts are the followers of that policy, too. still remember when we went to weddings in Taiwan and we always come home with bags of leftovers. =) super layout, Yvonne! now, lets see that video... =)

  17. OHHH! What a beautiful LO--love the fun photo and your misting! We are big believers in LEFTOVERS:)

  18. Where to start . . . fabulous misting, loving how you used the twine and a great story behind the layout! You always amaze me with your layouts!

  19. leftovers are the best!!! means no cooking! lol :)

    fab layout!! love the misting :)

  20. Hi Yvonne! Sorry I've been so MIA :( That thing called life keeps getting in the way;) I think your banner on this page is such an eye catcher! The best part is that wonderful, in the moment photo you got!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.