

How about sending a little cheer to someone in need?

Follow your heart

Something happened to me recently that made me question my worth as an individual. A group of crafting ladies whom I worked with and considered my friends decided that they no longer wanted me in their clique. Now, people evolve and outgrow friendships. I get that. But what I didn't appreciate was how disrespectfully they did it. Just a curt email and an immediate cut to a private Facebook group. It hurt a lot. It still hurts. So when I read about this little boy Sebastian on my friend Amy Tsuruta's blog, I cried. I would never want anyone to feel like they don't belong. Or that they are not worthy of our time.

Sebastian suffers from Arthrogryposis - he has stiff joints and abnormally developed muscles which makes even picking up a pencil a challenge. Yet he is happy despite the daily challenges he faces. His mother worries that he will soon notice the finger pointing and the judgement from strangers. That is the painful reality.

On February 15th, Sebastian will go into the hospital for another surgery. His sweet teacher is organizing a card drive for this boy to cheer him on. In her words, "Maybe, just maybe, when the day arrives that he notices the finger pointing and hears the name calling instead of being sad he'll remember the day that people from everywhere filled his hospital room with love."

This is where you come in friends. Will you join me in making and sending a card to Sebastian? You can read about Sebastian's story and get mailing details here. My generous friend Amy is offering a chance at a $25 gift certificate to The Craft's Meow if you do. So link up your cards at her blog. :)

I used the sketch at CPS and was inspired by the challenges at the Kraft Outlet and Inspired by.

Supplies: Crate Paper and Basic Grey patterned papers, SRM sticker,  Maya Road chipboard, Jenni Bowlin pearls, blue paint, silver mesh.



  1. aww this is so adorable...I love that little birdie...great card...

    This is a great card drive..I read this the other sad but so uplifting.

  2. Your card is so sweet and so perfect for Sebastian. No matter what his challenges are as long as he follows his heart he''l be fine. Thank you so much for making a card and for helping to spread the word about Sebastian.

    P.S. If I knew how to make cards I would start a group and invite you to join!

  3. Oh honey you can always be in my group on blog land! Great card!

  4. Yup...I read about Sebastian last night before bed... I couldn't sleep soundly - toss and turning... Your card to simply gorgeous and sweet... perfect for him...

    I couldn't imagine...someone can actually did this to you... but you know what... you deserved better... and you know I always here for you... and you are my buddy... [not only crafty] shame I'm miles away... but hey... i'm always here..hang in there... take it easy..what we are facing nothing compares to good eg is Sebastian.. big hugs my dearest friend... xoxo

  5. Oh Yvonne, I am sorry to hear abt your "clique" .. so unwarranted.. you probably are a threat to them coz you are so much better and talented :)! Sending you hugs!
    Oh I would love to join this wonderful cause for Sebastian, reading your post causes all those fuzzy feeling inside. Take care .. hugs

  6. Gorgeous card! Love the bright and gorgeous design :)

  7. Oh my Yvonne... I'm so shocked this could happen to you. Hopefully in hindsight you will see based on this behaviour - you didnt belong there so smile eh?

    I have a sebastian living at my house, not in the same gender or condition, but we know first hand what it's like to live disappointed based the behaviour of others. You cant tell which of my girls it is, but its there all the same....
    We worked hard with self-worth and we are so proud of her.

  8. oh and I forgot to say...
    your card is sooooooo DELIGHTFUL!

  9. i'm a new follower Yvonne, a happy one! i'm sorry to hear that your crafty 'friends' decided you were too good for them. jealousy does horrible things to people. i'll be making something special for sebastian this weekend. thanks for sharing your story.

  10. How awful of your 'friends' but so sweet of you to make a card for that little guy. I love your card, thanks for playing at Inspired By!

  11. It sounds to me like you are better off without your "so called" friends.

    I think it is wonderful everyone is joining together to brighten this little boys heart.

  12. First your card is sweet as all! What a great cause! As for the mean girls, boo to them. Karma happens.

  13. *sigh* I am so so so so sorry that you were hurt... I can't understand that.. you are one of the sweetest, kindest, most talented woman that I "know" .... I am honored to call you a friend... big {{{hugs}}} for you my sweet sweet sweet friend...

    I loveeeeeeeeee your card! I am loving that little birdie and loveeeeee the doily! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  14. Sorry to hear about what happened with you !! Really ! Its shocking, but friendships these day do come with expiry dates...... Its heartwrenching to read about sEbastian as well :(......your card for him is perfect !!

  15. Dearie, I faced a similar situation last year too... and when I think of it now, I still feel a little sad sometimes but well, all things happen for a reason? Whatever the reason may be.

    We just have to pick ourselves up and smile, don't we? Hugs to you :)

    And your card is super lovely :)

  16. What a glorious card and a heart of gold you have! I'm so very sorry to hear that someone hurt your feelings, I would never want to do that to you or a person like you.

  17. This is adorable Yvonne. I love all the textures. I am sure Sebastian will too.

  18. Where to start? I'll dive into your most fabulous card...thank YOU so very much for taking the time to make a card for Sebastian. I know that he'll really really love it. That bird is so super sweet....thanks for helping spread the word about sebastian...I truly hope that he is slammed with a gazillion fun cards:)

    What the heck? I cannot imagine what in the heck is going on with those girls?! It sounds so high school...elementary school aged....Well, you are always always invited into my clique, well, you ARE my friend and you are in my clique, right? {shaking my head}...I'm so sorry sista...those girls are down right mean...pahooey on them.

  19. sorry to hear about what they have done to you...well I thought always be friends but I was wrong. Well, take it easy babe - I know you will get through it! Very beautiful card Yvonne and I will read about Sebastian after this. Cheers

  20. what an adorable card!!

    so SAD to read about what was done to you!! i say it is a HUGE loss for THEM!!!

    yup cried when i read his story and will be sure to get a card out for him :)

    ps: i still want you for my friend :) hugs

  21. This is an amazing card... it really isn't a great feeling to be shunned by people you considered your friends BUT in the mean bad world of today.. Very few people really count as your friends and they are the only ones who should matter.. Will try doing up a card for Sebastian.. I cannot commit because I am in the middle of house madness... Lots of weddings and Indian weddings go on and on and on... :-|...!!

  22. Hmph!!! Well, that is just stinky!!! If I had a crafty club you would be first on the list. I guess your superior crafting skills just scared 'em away :>)
    As for Sebastian, I am going to make time to send out something sweet to him. Perhaps I can get my kids in on the act too.
    Sweet card my friend :>)

  23. Just love this cute little birdie..
    Very pretty card....
    Hope you are having a great Wednesday!

  24. Fabulous card, love how you did the sentiment. How rude, you don't want them as your friends anyway.

  25. Your card is very the colours and the cute birdie..hope you have a great day ahead..

  26. i am really so sorry to hear about the incident with the ladies group i think that's plain meanness on their part...however i think you might be better off cutting all the contacts with such small minded people...its definitely their loss!!!!
    i love the card you have created for sebastian such lovely layer's and sentiment...and what a worthy cause...hope he gets well soon .

  27. So sorry that some mean things happened to you in the crafting group. Please know that these ladies are missing out on you--a big talent with a big heart, Yvonne! I also checked out Sebastian's teacher's blog and will send a card to cheer him up. What a touching story! People like Sebastian really teachs us something special that is priceless! HUGS!

  28. Sorry to hear about what happened.The card is really cool.Loved the lil birdie!!!

  29. What a cute card, love the little bird and how you did the sentiment. So sorry to hear about your experience, but I can do this for sweet Sebastian!

  30. ((hugs)) Yvonne! I can't believe someone would do that to you........they're acting like they are in grade school all over again.....Their loss, not yours.
    Your card is adorable. This will really make Sebastian smile.

  31. Sweet card. Thanks for sharing about Sebastian. I will be making a card tonight for him. That story makes you appreciate what you can do with your crafty fingers. tfs

  32. Such sweet card Yvonne for a wonderful cause.
    Don't let the mean people bother you much...yes it sure hurts but I believe...there's always good in whatever happens. They sure would be missing on will find friends elsewhere:)

  33. so sorry, yvonne:( hugs to you:) your card is just the sweetest thing!

  34. I am definitely sending a card to Sebastian.I wanted to ask you that do we have to create something new or is it acceptable to link and send something old too.I have a perfect card for a little boy.
    Sorry to hear baout your experience with those inconsiderate ladies..but so sweet of you to make a card for a great cause

  35. Fabulous card for Sebastian! One of our adopted from Ukraine granddaughters has this... she's a beautiful little girl and has changed so much since she has a forever family! I can so identify with the falling!!! Just heartbreaking... but over the last two years, she can finally catch herself better and not end up with a huge egg on her forehead! whew! We love her so much! Thanks for sharing and LOVE the quote you shared! Thanking God for your caring!

    Sorry about the group's behavior...pretty pathetic!

  36. I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. I totally want you in my clique! (And anyone else who wants to join- all crafters welcome here!) What a wonderful card for a great reason.

  37. Yvonne, I'm so sad to read this.
    You don't deserve to be treated like this : (
    You don't need friends like that, you are worth alot more.
    I hope you feel better soon.
    LOVE that card : )
    Hugs xxx

  38. Gorgeous design. Love that doily. :)

  39. such a beautiful card and i know Sebastian will love it! Big hugs to you, too. that was a distasteful thing that they did. that's okay, you are still an amazing artist in my book! =)

  40. This is such a sweet little card but I am feeling so sad for you!! As my daughter would say "they are meanie babina slovenis!" - I am so sorry...with friends like that who needs enemies right?! You have tons of online friends and if you are like me I know that they mean a lot to you. Big hugs and onward and upward...leave those losers behind!!

  41. Yvonne, I was so moved by your post! You definitely sealed my resolve to make and send a card to Sebastian. My heart aches for you and your situation. It's so hard to understand how people could be so cruel and disrespectful. Silly ladies--I'd *jump* at the chance to craft with you any day of the week!! Sending you hugs and wishes for healing!!!

  42. Stunning card! Love the colours! That is awfully rude and immature of your "friends"! Hugs!!! :D

  43. So sorry you had that experience but out of great sorry comes great joy..I know Sebastian will love this sweet card. Thanks for all you do.

  44. OH MY! I am so sad for you---actually I'm sad for this crafting group! They are missing out on some serious talent and a great friend! I'm sad that you questioned your worth as an individual. I totally understand where you are coming from--and I pray that you would know that you are where you need to be doing what you should be doing:) And I pray that you would trust the Lord's plans! That's hard--but I know that He has great things planned for your future (maybe a move to where I live and then we can be in a clique together!!!).

    You are amazing--and I LOVE that you are sending this card to this little boy! What a blessing it will be!!! HUGS to you my friend! <3

  45. Wow, love it! The doily is so perfect on here and nice use of that CPS sketch.

  46. Wow! This is just soooooooooooo cute! Love it!

  47. So pretty, thanks for sharing with us at The Kraft Journal.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.