

Error 99

Happy birthday

I'm experiencing a little separation anxiety today. My "baby" has to be "hospitalized" for the next 7 days. We have not spent a day apart since 2007. *LOL* The dreaded Error 99. [Be gentle with him, good folks at Canon!]

Which resulted in nephew #2 having just this ONE not-so-perfect picture to commemorate his 5th birthday...:( Of course I could just gone to get another camera but we all really wanted to just eat the cake....*LOL*

I was inspired by the challenge at  Scrap-It-Lah this month to use old book paper, fussy cutting and handstitching.

Supplies: Simple Stories patterned papers and stickers, old book paper, gesso, distress ink, punchinella as a mask, cardboard, white pen, stickles, buttons, ribbon, thread.

P/s: Have an amazing weekend friends! :)



  1. beautiful the banner and what an awesome idea to gesso the old book paper...cute pic, love the scattered color of embellishments, cool.

  2. beautiful the banner and what an awesome idea to gesso the old book paper...cute pic, love the scattered color of embellishments, cool.

  3. error that like getting the "blue screen" on the computer?

    This is my new fav layout from you!!!!! love the pic and adore the colors!!!!!

    happy weekend!!!!

  4. Your title intrigued me. Fab layout love the banner especially


  5. Oh no, hope it is fixed soon! Great CAS layout, but still fun and neat.

  6. Oh, how hard to be without your camera for that long!! I don't think I could do it! My camera has had a broken shutter on it for well over a year, and I refuse to send it off for repairs. I actually have to use a paper clip pressed down into the shutter to take a picture. But I'm so stubborn, I deal with it.
    LOVE this layout. That Simple Stories line is just adorable, and I love how you've used it. Love all the numbers and love the bit of corrugated cardboard. Sweet banner, too.

  7. Great layout and I love those papers and the addition of the corrugated cardboard piece.

  8. Bummer about the camera :( I hope she comes home safe and sound! I Loveeeeeeeeeeeee your lo!! LOVING how you highlighted the "5" and loving the cardboard frame! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  9. Adorable layout! I hope your camera is all better soon. I'd hate to be without mine!

  10. your creativity is amazing! love the book pages and fab stitching, yvonne!

  11. love this colorful birthday page!
    for you an amazing weekend too:)

  12. Sorry to hear about your camera....yikes! Your lo if just fab...full of character!!!!

  13. I had separation anxiety too when my camera goes on Error 99. I think it was the lenses and they took a bout 3 weeks to clean them. After that it was as good as new. Hope yours comes back faster than mine.

    Such a cute layout - love the colours and kraft combi. Thanks for playing along SIL.

  14. This design is SO colorful! Love the effect that the gesso gives. Super cool!

  15. OH no, hope the error gets sorted, love the color on the kraft!

  16. Wonderful layout! Hope you are coping with the separation anxiety!

  17. Fabulous layout, dear lady. That's one adorable photo there... what a cutie! Love your colorful banner, text and numbers!
    Hope your "baby" has a full recovery!

  18. What a stunning layout! I love the corrugated cardboard underneath the photo like that! :)

  19. ahhh error 99 !!! not good!!!...

    love the layout... the banners and pp used.... plus that corrugated frame!! Beautiful and fabulous layout Yvonne... hope your camera will come back fast!!!.... and have a good one...hugs...xoxo

  20. Fabulous page - so many great details! Cant imagine camera troubles - I'm a pretty much - if it doesn't work ditch it and get a new one.!

  21. Hope your camera is in good hands! Love what you did with the Simple Stories papers! I first I thought they were Imaginisce. Love how you framed the cute photo!!

  22. lovely! love all the fun colors..! so vibrant n so cheerful!

  23. sorry to hear about the camera. hope it comes back to you better than ever.. i use my iphone as a back up camera. takes lovely photos and is quick and easy. love the colors with the pop of cardboard. =)

  24. Ooooh yay! Thanks so much for playing along at Scrap-it-Lah with us :) I love your layout!! Perfect birthday stash showcased to perfection! Ouch about your camera - I can sympathise as my printer is broken and that sucks so bad - I keep having to hand-journal & use old photos as I can't print any new ones at the moment :( :(

  25. Gorgeous page, totally festive!!! And I wish for a speedy recovery for your Canon!!

  26. OMG, thought you were talking about your nephew for a moment there! Hope Canon gets fixed soon. Fab l.o.!

  27. I rarely get great birthday pictures, there's just so much going on during the party especially. I think this picture is pretty dang cute. Love all the numbers and how you highlighted the 5's. And what a fun birthday line!!!

  28. Love your work! Great stiching. And the LO design is just so cool.
    Thanks for playing along with us at SIL

  29. Watching your colourful pages passing by here on your blog, glorious happy vibrant pages all of them! Just fantastic! Fingers crossed your baby is returned back to mama soon, all fit for work again. I bet your nephew #2 had a fab birthday with an auntie like yourself, chocolate cake? Love your beautiful page, really so cool to Gesso the entire book page! Thanks for playing along at Scrap-it-Lah! xxxx

  30. LOVE your layout! I love the Kraft paper in the background and all of the fun and festive colors! I hope your little one is well soon. Melanie

  31. hope your baby come back good as new! =) love love the background you created with the book pages and paint ( i think...) and the corrugated mat for the photo is fab! super layout as always, Yvonne!

  32. Beautiful work! Thanks for playing with SIL.

  33. Oh NO! You must be lost without your "baby"! Hope it recovers soon. Still an adorable layout and the pic is too cute. xxD

  34. Ooowwhhh love ur fun layout! Thanks for playing at SIL...:)


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.