

A giveaway! :)


 Scrapping The Music is celebrating her fourth birthday with a blog hop! Don't forget to leave a comment on every stop as there are prizes to be won! Yay! :)

The design team all worked with STM's first ever challenge song - Like a Star by Corinne Bailey Rae.

Sometimes closeup

My layout features nephew #1 and #2, pausing to pose for the camera while running amok in the shoe section of the departmental store....which is why they are only amazing sometimes...*LOL*.

I used the sketch at Frosted Designs and was inspired by the chipboard challenge at Scrapbookers Anonymous.

Here's the prize I'm offering!  A Bo Bunny stamp set and an Inkadinkado ink pad! :)

To be in the running for my giveaway, just leave a comment on this post. :)

Your next stop is at Frauke's! :)

 Supplies: Echo Park Papers, Gauche Alchemy embellishments, American Crafts thickers, Maya mist, Fancy Pants chipboard, black pen.



  1. What a fun and fabulous layout... Very interesting way of using the chipboards.... Tell you what.. its clean and neat too!!!... but full of gorgeous details to look at!!!Thanks so much for playing along with US over at Scrapbookers Anonymous... hugs...xoxo

    YAY... goodies giveaway!!!

  2. I love that you're celebrating their less then stellar behavior with this layout.

  3. I love the lace ! and the numbers at the bottom..makes it a fun layout !

  4. Yayyyyyy for STM!! You know they hold a special place in my heart!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeee this! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the colors and the circles!! Thanks for playing along with Scrapbookers Anonymous! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. fabulous page Yvonne, love the lace and I love the colour on this page too. Yummy giveaway ha...

  6. very nice page! Love the lace you used here! I have always a problem with its using in my projects... You are so talented in this!!
    Thanks for giveaway!

  7. Love the layout! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  8. Love your LO Yvonne. The lace is a nice touch and this LO somehow gives me the feeling of calmness but of coarse I can see the naughtiness in your nephews eyes:)

  9. pretty LO like the lace at the bottom and the cute pics .so so sweet.

  10. Fun and fabulous, now I am jealous, you have those cute boys as model for all the fun layouts.

  11. Super wow! Fun and fabulous! Just the way I like it! :D

  12. Great page! I love all the different elements...chipboard, lace, trim. Thanks for playing along with us at Scrapbookers Anonymous AND Frosted Designs! :)

  13. Your layouts are always so super fabulous!

    Thank you for a chance to win!

  14. Brilliant LO! Bright and Cheerful! Many thanks for playing along with us at Frosted Designs!

  15. Congrats STM for 4 years!!! Yay!!!! and wowza, Yvonne! I am loving your fun and amazing page!

  16. Haha - love that you added in the SOMETIMES!!! So true!! Love that they look like they have just stopped for a second from their mad dash around the shoe store :) Lovely bright layout!!

  17. LOL! Love that title here, Yvonee! And a super cute page, too. Those two little rascals sure look cute in their photo. ;)Love the kraft background and the number strip and pom pom trim. And that wide band of lace is just stunning.

  18. Stellar LO!! How funny too! Thanks for the chance!

  19. just an awesome page, yvonne! love the story that goes with it:)

  20. I like that catchphrase-sometimes- it is perfect for two boys, speaking from experience.

  21. i super love the layout...what? aren't they supposed to be running around the store while you're trying to pick out shoes? LOL

  22. SOMETIMES.....if only sometimes your layouts were good........they are ALWAYS fab !!

  23. I absolutely love how you used all different elements and combined them perfectly to go well with each other.

  24. Your page is adorable! I love the elements you layered behind the photos! Thanks for the chance to win a fun prize!

  25. Great layout...I love STM and am excited to follow your blog (and maybe win a prize!).

  26. Super fun LO--love your lace and that pom pom trim! FUN mixture of elements--You amaze me! I wish *WISH* I could create like this! LOVE LOVE LOVE:)

  27. I am amazed how simple yet detailed your layout is!..Love it!

  28. Awww this is so sweet. I love the star on the page. :)

  29. What a fabulous layout! I love the way you present your little ones!I,m sure they are all an adorable bunch. Thanks for the giveaway! Getting anything would be great!

  30. Yeah!!!! So happy to see your fantastic layout using the sketch I created! Love the mix of the embellishments you used. Love the simplicity in the embellishments with the pop of lace! Thanks for joining us at Frosted Designs!!

  31. wonderful. i love the cute paper piece with the punched out circles. fun idea. and how you put the button in the center of that star. thanks so much for playing along with us at Scrapbookers Anonymous. =)

  32. Yvonne this is gorgeous! Great use of the sketch! And always love your embellishing :-) Amy

  33. Another LOL kind of LO! I highly recommend bringing along an iPad the next time you need to take them shoe shopping with you!

  34. I like the things you do! Very nice!

  35. This is so cute! Love how you added in that wide lace, and great use of that chipboard! Thanks for joining in the fun at Scrapbookers Anonymous!!!

  36. Love this LO! especially that bit of lace! Thanks for joining us this week at Frosted Designs :)

  37. Wonderful LO! Thank you for the chance at blog candy and Happy Anniversary!I began following via email subscription.

  38. Awesome LO. I love all the bits and pieces.

  39. congrats on 4trs!!! and ty for this awesome chance at those wonderful goodies!

  40. What a neat lo! I love the mix...everything is different, yet looks so cool together. Fab!

  41. such an interesting layout!! love the shapes in different colors~

  42. only YOU can put a piece of lace in a boy layout and not have it look girly! super layout, Yvonne! love it!

  43. i adore the simplicity of this layout! Thanks for playing with Frosted Designs.

  44. Oh too many blog hops - I've done 2 this weekend. Great Lo and having a 7 yo I know EXACTLY what you mean about the sometimes!

  45. love the simplicity of this- cool- great that you joinede us at Scrapbookers Aonymous too

  46. I'm loving all the fun shapes and textures and colors I'm seeing on your layout! Thanks for playing along with us at Scrapbookers Anonymous!

  47. Fun layout! and that is a lovely stamp set.... thanks for the chance! :)


  48. Awww!.. Adorably adorable layout!.. The pic is soo cute! :D

  49. Beautiful LO,thanks for playing along with us at Scrapbookers Anonymous.xxxx

  50. Such a cute layout, Yvonne! Thanks for playing along with Scrapbookers Anonymous!!

  51. I'm so thankful for the STM blog hop since discovering your blog has been so inspirational!

  52. hey Yvonne i love the way you used lace for a boy's layout !!! nice... i am a newbie scrapper.... there is lot to learn from amazing people like you...keep up the good work....


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.