

Something really cool is about to come your way! :)

Pebbles best wishes card

I'll be looking super cool wearing my sunglasses all week long to cover up the bruise I have on my left eye, courtesy of the littlest nephew, J. You know the soft spot on the baby's head? When the child's skull fully forms, it becomes a deadly assault weapon! *LOL*

I used the sketch at CPS.

Supplies: Pebbles patterned paper, EAD Designs sentiment sticker, corduroy brad, wrinkle ribbon, handmade felt flower.

P/s: Speaking of something cool, I do have some awesome news to share with you this's a little clue! :)


Any guesses? *winks*



  1. ouch!!! I hope you are feeling ok, never mind you look fabulous with the sunglasses ok. This card is yummy and screaming beautiful it!

  2. oh good grief, you poor boy has done that to me...youch!

    Love your fun card....

    Very coolio:)

  3. OH you poor thing!!... My boy did that once to me... couple of years ago... and everyone thinks i was being abused by DH...!!! LOL...LOVE your card... its gorgeous and fun too... hugs...xoxo

  4. Gorgeous card.. Lovely bright colours.. and take care of the eye.. Trust me I know how it feels.. been there done that 4 times already.. and it hurts too.. :-(...


  5. Gorgeous card as always. Sorry about the eye.

    Hmmmm... can't wait to find out what the cool news is!

  6. OUCH!! can't wait to see the layout of those pics ;) lol

    super FUN card!! love the burlap :)

  7. I love your cards as much as I do your layouts. Bright colors, bold patterns, what's not to love! Can't wait to hear about your news!

  8. Ouch! Hope you feel better soon! I loveeeeeeeeeee that card!!! You are rocking the burlap!! And *wink* back to you! :):):):):):):):):)

  9. Awwww, poor you :) They are dangerous, our little ones! :) GOOORGEOUS card! AMAZING colors and buuurlap! Mmmmmm! Wohooo for exciting secret news!!!!

  10. Gives you a good reason to wear sunglasses indoors. :) Hope the bruise clears soon, Yvonne. Really cute card btw. :)

    And thanks for your lovely comment on my blog.

  11. Oh yeah - that is so funny about the soft spot becoming a deadly assault weapon - love it! I've been a head-butting victim too a few times to my toddler daughter Heidi! LOL. Love your card - your colours are always so gorgeous! Love colour! :D

  12. Ohh poor you!! Well it isn't going to end there...after the skull, their hands become active and they start pulling out people's hair :D

    Waiting to see that something cool soon :)

  13. Yep, been there, done that! When they are in your lap and you're putting their shoes on-watch out for bloody fat lips!

    Love your card! You did such a creative job with the sketch! I always take them so literally, like I'm afraid the sketch police will come arrest me if my card doesn't look exactly like the sketch!!

  14. such a lovely card yvonne love those bright colors and that pretty brad on the tag.take care of your poor eye and hope u recover soon.

  15. Awww take care of your eye...that must hurt...Iam a mother of two so I know.Very cute the colours and your interpretation.the corduroy brad and the handmade felt flower is esp awesome.
    take care and nurse your eye...and i am very curious about the SOMETHING that you mentioned.

  16. Oh u poor thing!!! hope ur gets better real soon!!! loved ur LO... summery fresh as always!!

    No clue wats this is about but am very curious!

  17. amazing one, love the green so much, beautiful flower paper. super creative with the jute piece, so excited to know the cool thing :)

  18. Pretty card! Love the popped out tag and that pink swirly flower. Lemme made a cool DT team!

  19. Boys can get very violent! Ask me! My 3 year old has the strength of a lion! Waiting to see your surprise!!!!

  20. Looove the card!! And your story sounds very painfull... :S
    Hope it heals quick!!
    And you've made me very curious!
    Have a great week..! Annemieke

  21. fun card!! great choice of patterned papers!! all the elements are so cute together!

  22. ouch! large earrings aren't a good idea either:) your card today is simply awesome, yvonne!

  23. such a fun and bright card and poor you with a shiner from your nephew.

  24. wowie card!! Lovely bright colours!! I have never been around naughty kids.. so, probably dont know how forceful those little creatures can be :D get well soon!!
    & eager for your new surprise!

  25. Oh no! Ouch!!!
    Great card! Love the fun colors on that tag!!! Can't wait to hear the cool news!

  26. Ouchie! So sorry about your eye, Yvonne! Love this card! The tag is so pretty. Love the fussy cut flower topper to it. And the burlap is so awesome, too. :)

  27. oohh !!surprises are killing :(!!can't wait... !!but d card is too goood !!

  28. Oops, sorry to hear about the "accident", but this is totally CUTE!!!!

  29. Little ones do not realize their strength, hope it doesn't take too long to heal up. LOVE your card, the tag is perfect! Great job on the CPS sketch and thanks for playing along this week :)

  30. colourful flowers..Beautiful !

  31. oh no! hope your black eye disappears soon! love your beautiful and delightful card. so cute!

  32. Ouch! Glad to hear you were able to cover it up!
    As for your card, that burlap is delish!
    As for the clue, yep, I am clueless!

  33. Wow! This card is so prety! I love everything about it! That handmade flower is the perfect touch! Fab!

  34. Ouch! Hope you are all better by now! And your card is absolutely gorgeous! I am loving the colors and all of your special touches!

  35. Love the different textures on this card, burlap, felt flowers- fun!! Let's take a wild guess on your news-- you're coming out with your own set of label dies and giving them away to all your fabulous blogging pals?

  36. That is one cute card & so sorry to hear about your injury! Oh dear!! Now what is this "something cool" blinkie I'm seeing everywhere...I need to know more...quick!!!

  37. Ouch!!! Hope you get better soon. Sending hugs your way. Love this cute card. The burlap is fabulous. :)

  38. i absolutely love this green! so refreshing. excellent placement of everything!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.