

The answers to your questions.

The fun stuff book cover

Hello friends!:) Today's project is a 6 x 6 acrylic piece. The wood frame was upcycled from packaging.

A big "thank you" for stopping by and commenting on my week-long upcycled projects. :) It was a lot of work putting it altogether because I don't craft in a linear fashion and I tend to work multiple projects at a go. And stopping in-between to take photos really threw me off my rhythm...*LOL* [I'm going to try videos next. I think. *winks*]

Apparently I was very thorough in my tutorials because there were very few questions! *LOL*
I did want to address some of the questions/comments that were posted though.

1.What adhesive do I use?

For the flat stuff, I like to use Tombow Mono Multi.

 Photo via Tombow.

For the dimensional stuff, I use Therm-O-Web's Zots.

Photo via Therm-O-Web.

And to really secure everything, I add Inkessential's Glossy Accents.

Photo via Inkessentials.

I would gladly use glossy accents as an adhesive on everything. Seriously. If only it wasn't so expensive. *LOL*

2. Do you throw anything away?

Yes I do. Unfortunately. I wish I had space! :(
The recycle truck comes by every fortnight so anything bulky that I intend to upcycle must be utilized by then (either projects in progress or significantly cut down to size so that it fits whatever storage space I do have) otherwise it goes with the truck (and I feel that I've let Mother Earth down )!

I try my best to bring in less "stuff" into the house not taking shoeboxes when I buy shoes. And I use a "make it acid-free" spray on my projects because most packaging materials aren't acid-free.   Most of the altered items I make are given away...yes, I'm surprisingly not attached to them at all...(even the published ones) if you really want something, you might get it if you ask...*winks*

3. Where do you get your ideas from?

Hmmm...I'm always brimming with ideas. Maybe it's because I read a lot? *winks*

Seriously though, I got eco-conscious after reading about how non-biodegradable plastic bags kill marine life (they are often mistaken for food) and started researching about green living. I'm particularly drawn to artists who are able to use discarded materials to construct works of art. The fashion industry is also doing its part with zero-waste design (constructing garments without wasting fabric). So, I'm just trying to doing my bit for the environment. And hope you are inspired to do the same. :)

Supplies: 6x6 acrylic, Stazon, My Little Shoebox papers, stickers.

P/s: Don't forget about my guest Elizaveta's vintage-inspired ends on Friday! :)



  1. sucha fabbie and cute project!! Perfect for children's room/deco.... Ahhh thanks for the well-answered questions!!!!
    *I was laughing when you mentioned.. yes I did throw!!..H a Ha... TFS Yvonne... and tomorrow is YAY Friday... i so looking forward to weekend...!!hugs...xoxo

  2. fun and love it, you are really good at playing your part to save mother earth...good job. Perhaps everyone has the same attitude like you and thanks for sharing!

  3. this is such a cute project dat framed look combined with the rest of the project!!!

    and thank u so much for the adhesive descriptions... it will be really really helpful!!! and boy, did u really mention dat we cud get what we asked for... lolzz.... i would probably ask for everything u make becoz i just adddore everything u make.... a total fan of yr creativity!!!!

    Hugs n all the very best!!!

  4. Great interview Yvonne! I love Tombo too!! I try to be environmentally friendly all the time but it is so difficult. These days I have got into a groove with the recycling though :O)

  5. True Truly true!! I agree with our environment now are getting polluted..I am going to recycling as well with some of my projects...cheaper to my cost as well!

  6. Thats a super cute project! Love your recycling ways!

  7. Wonderful tips, Yvonne! An a cute project. My two boys say Are we there yet all the time!

  8. great project and thanks for sharing some of your insider tips with us. Love the fact that you do throw away some of your recylce stuff as I had envisioned a room at your house full of it. :)

  9. I knew I loved you... even more so now :):):):):) We have a recycle 'garbage' truck that comes once a week...soooo I don't feel too bad about throwing it out as I know it is going to get recycled! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  10. Ohhhh, such a super fun and cute and totally gorgeous project!!!!

  11. What a great post! Love how insightful you are on the whole green process - I'm definitely there with you, which is one reason I love digital scrapbooking... BTW, I may just have to take you up on your offer some time of one of your projects :)

  12. thanks for sharing...i'm very inspired with you!

  13. LOVEEEEEEEEEE this and loved reading about you!!!

    I hate throw away.....especially now that I am doing a lot of mixed media...I have to keep every little thing!!!

    Thanks for sharing with us!!

    Have a great week!!!

  14. i just love everything about your blog! its full of inspirations and ideas.

  15. Love that upcycled frame. Super fab project. So glad you answered the questions....especially about the adhesive. I will try those out for sure. :)

  16. Cool projects lately!! You use so bright and happy colors it makes my smile!! Love it.
    Have a great weekend!

  17. Thanks for sharing this beautiful project Ivonne

  18. Such a fun project and thanks for sharing with us...Love seeing what people use as adhesives!

  19. lovely adorable creation dear.

  20. love the layout....its beautiful....lovely colors....and love ur tiny treasures

  21. Love these answers to questions! Awesome!!!

  22. awwww.... such a fun acrylic page! love the wood frame details. i LOVE the Tombo Mono Multi and Glossy Accents, too! they are excellent glues! and i really admire that you can upcycle so much whenever you create. you are amazing, Yvonne! thanks for sharing your talent with us! have a beautiful weekend! =)

  23. thanks for sharing the tips Yvonne! I've heard that tombo's real good too...i've got to try it! :) it's great to hear what ur doin to help mother earth..i too try where i can to avoid plastic bags..but i've been hoarding lots of cardboard boxes etc to alter *LOL* ;)

  24. That is super adorable, you always have fantastic creation with those acrylic!!!

  25. this is adorable~ love the colors... it makes me smile

  26. Such a happy creation! You are soooo good on the recycling, I am always impressed and surprised by what you create :>) I am so happy that we now have a garbage pickup that recycles all our plastic. We rarely fill up the garbage container anymore and tend to run out of room in the recycling one. I do have some containers set aside though for upcycling :>)

  27. hey Yvonne..I just love ur space..have been browsing ur entire blog sinse all ur layouts and tuts..

    me too try not to purchace too many craft supplies..and try to reuse whatever is available..

    do visit me somtime..



Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.