

How to make a mini album using packaging materials.

The Yam boys fun in the tub mini album

Hello friends! Today's project is a mini album using packaging materials. 

Mini album pages

Feel free to post any questions in the comments section OR join the discussion over at Do more with less's Facebook Page [I just started this page and need some friends...perhaps I should do a "secret" giveaway? Oops...did I say that out aloud?]

Step 1: This used to house brads. Open up packaging and cut out the portion you want to use.

Step 2:  Gather the embellishments you want to use in each "compartment" and adhere with glossy accents. Set it aside to dry (I let mine dry overnight.)

Step 3: Cut acrylic pieces to desired size. Ink edges of Stazon.

Step 4: Glue bubble wrap to the acrylic pieces. These will form the "back" of each page...covers up all the glue marks and fits into the bath bubbles theme..*winks*

Step 5: Sand edges of photos. Adhere. Add border strip and sticker.

Step 6: Cut corrugated cardboard to size. Add photos, border strip and sticker. 
Repeat for pages...I alternated between corrugated cardboard and acrylic.

Step 7: Embellish the cover of the mini album with ribbon, brads, bits of scrap paper, bubble wrap and stickers. Punch holes, bind the pages with ring, add ribbon and it's all done! :)

Another simple project using stuff you already have. What do you think?

Supplies: Packaging materials, acrylic, Stazon, glossy accents, 7 Gypsies stickers and Gauche Alchemy embellishments.

This is the third upcycled project this week. In case you missed them, check out the how to make your own tiered stand and how to make your own cardboard album posts. :)

P/s: Don't forget about my guest Elizaveta's vintage-inspired challenge!



  1. WOW!! i love this project~ this is fun!
    love the bright colors

  2. This is too cool!! Love that you are recycling these items to make suc a fab mini!

  3. I think it is gorgeous and totally beautiful. Love it to bits Yvonne! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Really awesome and so easy to follow!

  5. Wowwwwwwwwww!!! You are sooooooooo WOW WOW WOW!! I loveeeeeeeeee this!! I loveeeeeeee the rainbow of beads and buttons!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. Fab and fun project and such a great idea

  7. I think this is Awesome... Fun, fabulous... and out-of-box Project!!!...

    P/S: yes WFH day... but no craft done!!!... hugs..xoxo

  8. this is so so so woooooooowwww!!!! it's like a mini power packed post filled with newest ideas and inspirations.... am in love with the big bubble wrap forming the backdrop.... what a super clever idea specially becoz it goes so well with the bath themed pics...


  9. Love this idea for a mini album!!!

    I have popped on over to your FB and and am a new liker.

    Just a comment re giveaways on FB. As you know they aren't allowed, but you can have a giveaway here and promote it on your FB page. Linking the two often helps.
    I'm off to shout it out to my personal friends and to pop it on my business page too - Lime Tree Creations

  10. you ROCK!!!

    slapping my hand as i always toss :( will have to start a box to keep items to re use ;)

  11. love love love love this..great inspiration, maybe I will try this once, thanks so much...and will take a look on facebook!

  12. Thanks for the amazing tutorial Yvonne...will go thru the older posts, missed all as I am down with flu (nasty one). You are great with altered art.

  13. wow! It's awesome! I really love what you did with the bubble wraps and packaging! :D

  14. wowee!! this is super duper fun!! love what u did with the bubble wraps and the brads!! so awesome!! tfs!! :)

  15. wowee!! this is super duper fun!! love what u did with the bubble wraps and the brads!! so awesome!! tfs!! :)

  16. love colourful....i love the idea...u r one creative grl. :)

    ps- sorry for slow blogging, exams going on. :|

  17. Super cute! Love this! You are so creative!

  18. WOWZA...What a fabulous idea. Will have to try this soon. You are so crafty clever.

  19. Absolutely loving this Yvonne. Great use of packaging materials


  20. That is so fun, you are so creative!!!

  21. wow!.. its super pretty! :D
    love the idea! :D

  22. Now it is official. You do not throw anything away :>) Wow, the wonders you work with everyday items!!!

  23. love the bubble wrap idea. super cool mini, Yvonne! LOVE!!

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Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.