

How to make bottle cap embellishments.

Bonjour! Today I'm sharing how to make bottle cap embellishments! :)

Feel free to post any questions in the comments section OR if you are on Facebook, post them on Do more with less's Facebook Page [I just started this page and would love some support! Come "like" my blog!]

Step 1: Cut around the circumference of a twist-and-turn bottlecap to create "petals".

Step 2: Apply adhesive to bottle cap and glue baker's twine around the bottle cap. Add wrinkle ribbon around the outer circumference.

Thank you

Step 3: Add embellishment to your card.

Supplies: Kraft cardstock, Pink Cat Studio digital image, stickles, wrinkle ribbon, SRM sticker, Gauche Alchemy embellishments, bottle cap, baker's twine.

Step 1: Cut scrap paper to fit bottle cap. Arrange the embellishments in the bottle cap and adhere with glossy accents.

Step 2 : Add stickers and adhere to layout.

The start of the wonder years
And that's how you make fun bottle cap embellishments! :)

Supplies: Patterned paper - Dream Street Papers, SRM, Cosmo Cricket and E.A.D designs stickers, Gauche Alchemy embellishments, ribbon, buttons and American Crafts thickers.

Phew! I survived one week of upcycled projects..yay me! :) Did you enjoy the projects?

In case you missed any of my week-long upcycled are the links to them..

I'm planning some fun activities next on the Do more with less Facebook Page...just as soon as I learn how to navigate...*LOL*

P/s: Don't forget about my guest Elizaveta's vintage-inspired challenge! And have the most amazing weekend friends! :)



  1. wow!! simply it....totally do...looks so much fun....u r amazing Yvonne :)

  2. love your bottle cap embellies :)
    what do you use to adhere them to the paper so they last?

    have loved this week :) hope you do more in the future :)

  3. This post is so fun, never thought this can be this beautiful!

  4. Super cute! Looks doable by poor me too i guess. Itching to get back to crafting now :)

    TFS! Loved your other tutorials too..


  5. love your ideas!

    And your projects are gorgeous! :)

  6. Great tutorials... i'll be getting my Glossy Accents soon. Can wait to try this one out :)

  7. Oh Yvonne, this is a fantastic tute, thank you so much, I just love this, those cards are just gorgeous, this is so creative. I am not on face book but so hope you do well. Love MElxx

  8. the card is adorable and so is the layout. Thanks for another great tutorial, I can't wait to try this one too.

  9. Super fun project.. love the cap ideas.. thanks for sharing :D.. Love teh card :)

  10. So AWESOME Yvonne! I just loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee these! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  11. You amaze me everyday! Love what you did with the bottle cap on the layout!

  12. ..and what a fabbie week it has that you ended it with bottle caps...I have a ton of them so thank you for the wonderful inspiration...happy friday!

  13. wow wow wow~~~~ you're talented & creative

  14. awesomeness gurl!!! those bottle caps look fun!!! thanks for sharing such a cool idea!! esp love how u used it as a date ;) so clever!! :)

  15. Wow, wow, wow! I love the ideas for the bottlecaps and how different these ideas are. The PCS card is ADORABLE! Love the colors in the LO.

  16. EEEK I love this. You are so crafty clever. Must try this soon!

  17. Super cute! Love the sun bottle cap!

  18. Awesome tutorial!.. i LOVE the bottle caps and the way you use them in your projects! :D
    thanks for sharing! :D
    and congratulations!.. i LOVED the upcycling week! :D

  19. Oh great, one more fantastic idea to go into my "inspiration folder", thanks for sharing!!! You are simply brilliant!!!!

    re: thanks for the birthday wish! : )

  20. Hi Yvonne! Sorry for the absence, but the season has been too busy here in Lisbon...

    Amazing the things you create!!!

    Blogtrotter Two is gone to Corsica... Enjoy and have a superb weekend!!

  21. aha...i did the fun right!

  22. you are so amazingly talented, girl! i LOVE everything you posted this week and i learn a lot! thanks for all the fabulous projects you shared. hope you have a beautiful weekend! =)

  23. Awesome Yvonne... you end with a great tute!! YAY.... I must give it a go... thank you so much...truly enjoy the whole week of FUN!!!such a cute and fab LO and the card is cute...hugs...xoxo

  24. You must be the recycling queen Yvonne! Great work!

  25. ooo I love bottle cap embelishments...never got round to making my own....god im like the worst crafter EVER :-( hmmm making bottle cap embelishments gives me and excuse to drink lots of glass bottled cola though :-D WOOOO

  26. such a cute way to use those bottle caps. so creative.

  27. oh wow....i have missed alot of your great work! i really love the upcycled projects yvonne! you're so creative!

  28. What an amazing idea - great tutorial!

  29. loving this tut! What a great idea! You are blooming with creativity! Love it!

  30. This is such a cool way to upcycle! I gotta try this out!

  31. Oooo, there you go getting creative on me :>) Super fun embellies!

  32. This is a cool idea. I never thought of it! Tnx for sharing :)

  33. This is a very creative way of reusing caps, and it would look pretty well along with my other cap collections. Now that's a low-cost way of doing art, and it sure looks fun! Thanks for the creative idea! Keep 'em flowing!

    Rob Feckler


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.