

Colouring with Tesa Broman! :)

My guest today is the lovely Tesa Broman of Tesas Scrap. She makes the cutest cards ever...really. They are always full of detailed layers and rich with happy colours! She's an awesome stamper and plays with mediums for really fantastic effects. And yes, she's one of those superachieving crafters who gets a lot done in just five minutes. Today she shares a five minute colouring experiment and is hosting a image colouring challenge with a fabulous prize for one lucky player! :)

Shall we have a peek at some of her wonderful creations?


Hi! It was such a happy surprise to be asked to be a guest on Yvonne's blog! I adore Yvonne's work and have been a fan for quite some time now - ever since I first laid my eyes on one of her projects. So it's an honor to be here. I'm Tesa, mother of one, working as an Economic Historian and an addicted paper crafter. I've been scrapbooking and card making for four years by now and the scrapbooking scene in Sweden has grown immensly since 2007. I started out with layouts but nowadays I mostly make cards. I love all sorts of stamping and I really, really love coloring figurative stamps with my markers or distress inks. It's pure therapy. 

The girl on this card is colored with Tombow pens and a water pencil. That is the easiest way to color an image around. All you need is a good water color paper and a cute stamp and you will have results in minutes. The water color pencil is my best buy this last year and combined with Tombows - wow! :) You should try it! Here is a five minute experiment I did:  

Not perfect, but good enough. Especially for a five minutes job.

Hope you'd like to get your markers/pencils out! I'd love to see your cards with colored images! Copics or Tombows or any other coloring technique you like is fine. I have a neat little package of stamps from Swedish manufacturers to one winner, choosen by I so hope you will play with me!


Amazing coloring in just five minutes right? It takes me that long just to choose colours! *LOL* Ready to play along with Tesa's colouring challenge? Link up your newly created projects via Inklinz (located at the end of the post) by Friday April 22

As always, please leave a little love for my guest Tesa! :)



  1. EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!! YAY TESAB!! I loveeeeeeeeeee her work! She is AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Lovely colouring skills truly ...thanks for inspiring through Tesa's creations

  3. ohhh absolutely exceptional coloring!! I would be playing for sure.

  4. yahooooooo for Tesa!!!!!!!!!!

  5. oh wow.. Tesa ... this is gorgeous.. woo hoo for sharing your lovely creation here.. my my.. Love your COLOURING skill .. wonderful :)

  6. wow !!! looking forward to play along :)

  7. Love Tesa's work.... just beautiful! Congrats!

  8. WOW! Tesa's coloring is amazing and she makes such beautiful cards!! thanks for introducing her to us, Yvonne!!

  9. Tesa makes it look so easy :>) Lovely soft coloring.

  10. yahoo for you Tesa :)
    your card and coloring are me a favor and close one eye tight and the other eye half way when looking at my coloring!! ;)

  11. THANKS Yvonne and everybody!!! I'm super, super, SUPER excited to be a guest here and thank you for all the kind words!!!! Warms an old woman's heart! :):):)

  12. What an adorable card and super technique. I've never tried to do anything with a water pencil but your results are amazing. xxD

  13. Tesa makes it look so easy ...Makes me wanna to take the challenge...but for me..its otherwise...Shes really good... I've just linked mines...hugs...xoxo


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.