

Wonderland...a glittered up castle! :)


Happy 2012 my friends! :) May your new year be a wonderland of happiness with your dreams fulfilled!

I've been busy making wedding decorations for my cousin's wedding which is this Sunday...thank goodness....there's a light at the end of the tunnel! *LOL*

Today I'm sharing a 12 x 12 canvas layout that features a castle! So fun eh? *LOL*

It was previously a little girl's toy...which I spray painted. The colour turned out to be a light metallic green instead of a light aqua [Boohoo...I was cheated by Krylon!!!] glitter and bling to the rescue! Turns out that glitter can cover up a multitude of "sins"! *LOL*

I added some grey felt so that the castle wasn't so dazzling...*LOL*

I actually painted over an old canvas [because the idea struck me one insomniac night and I had no blank canvas], adhered some scrunched up wrapping tissue and misted it. Once that was dry, I covered the canvas with white tulle for a dreamy effect! :)

A little banner action...pearls, stickers, clear crystals, charm, mirror...

Trim, pearls, charm, handmade felt flowers....

Supplies: 12 x 12 canvas, toy castle, glitter, wrapping tissue, Maya mist, handmade felt flowers, embellishments from Gauche Alchemy.

The title of this piece was inspired by the "wonder" challenge at Bird is the Word.

*Edited*  This was the challenge winner at Bird is the word! :)



  1. Holy wow! This is amazing you outdid yourself! It will be the talk of the wedding!

  2. **gasp**
    you have totaly rocked this!!!
    watch out as i am sure many others will now say you are a must have in planing their wedding decorations!!! :)

    happy new year :)

  3. Are you kidding me!!! This is amazing!

  4. okay, this has to be the best altered project...ever.

  5. Holyyyyyyyyyyyyy smokes Yvonne!! This is AMAZING!! WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!! I am IN LOVE!!! Happy New Year! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. absolutely amazing! You are so talented it scares me. Your cousin is going to love this and I hope she appreciates all the work you have put into this.

  7. OMG !!its crazily beautiful !!loved it !!

  8. I'm with rose, "gasp". Wow, what a piece of art :)

  9. WOW this is so amazing...Girl you have got talent. I love what you have created here. AMAZING....

    Happy New Year.

  10. oh wow this is like super duper WOW!!such an amazing idea and skills to pull something like this with the supplies you have in hand...i love the glittered castle ..the bling somehow makes it all the more gorgeous details love everything about it:):)

  11. Beyond awesome!!! Love the glittered castle and all that beautiful texture.

    ~ Ü ~ hilda

  12. This is absolutely awesome! Love the idea of Bride & Groom's picture in the Castle window :)

  13. WOW what a stunning creation I dont think I have seen a more beautiful altered project before-- You are amazing!


  14. this is an awesummly fab LO Yvonne!!! you are magical, anything you touch turns into gold(well, silver here ;p)... this is way too cute!!! who wud hve thought ot turning a toy castle into something so beautiful and spectacular!!! fab!!!

    P.S. : wish a you a very Happy New Year too!!!

  15. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones Yvonne! May your year be filled with love, joy and creativity!

  16. My oh my you have started 2012 with a bang! This is amazing - why am I surprised?! Hope the New Year brings you everything you wish for, and more Yvonne. Ali x

  17. wowowowow....this is GORGEOUS!!!! you are so creative!!! wish you a happy,happy 2012...can't to see all your projetcs for this year:)

  18. so very creative, yvonne! and a beautiful wedding project!

  19. This is absolutely stunning, Yvonne! I can't believe how well that castle turned out. Your are a wizard at upcycling--WOW!

  20. Amazing piece! Thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Wowzers, how incredibly cool, Yvonne! LOVE that castle! What an amazing transformation from child's toy to princess wedding palace. Love the photo in the window and love the glitter and felt. And what a fabulous background you created. This is absolutely awesome!
    Wishing you a very happy new year, my friend!

  22. Hi! Yvonne, haven't been here for so long and that altered castle are so beautiful and awesome projects you have created lately! Happy New Year Yvonne!

  23. Now I know what to do with DD's castle when she out grows it. I've just shown this post to her and she said 'Won't her daughter be upset?'

  24. WOW that turned out really awesome, love the glitter, and the paper background!!!!

  25. Wow Wow Wow! Love that castle and your flowers. Happy New Year!

  26. WOW!! So Bling~~ But i like!! I'm glad you were being cheated by Krylon or you would not have blinged the castle! hehe..

  27. WOW!! So Bling~~ But i like!! I'm glad you were being cheated by Krylon or you would not have blinged the castle! hehe..

  28. Gorgeous! Krylon did you a favor- it's so awesome.

  29. WOW!!! Amazing!!! I'm convinced that you could find a way to alter ANYTHING!!!

  30. ooooooooh this is adorable!! I wish i was as creative as you!!

  31. One word - stunning!!! Happy New Year!

  32. wow! girl! this is absolutely amazing and fabulous! love love the glittery castle. so perfect for a wedding. love love love this! Happy New Year to you and yours! =)

  33. Oh My Word! Yvonne!! This is absolutely stunning!!! I know who I will be voting for that's for certain :-D Happy New Year! {wrong time of year for you but nevertheless LOL} and yay to the wedding being over soon LOL - but wow this is one brainwave you had you insomniac you...!!!

  34. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? That is AMAZING!!! Best use of glitter ever! May I suggest that the pink may have had a hand in the color change? But who CARES? It's so magical with glitter!!! I may have to add some to my next project- it's too cool.

  35. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODNESS! I am in awe--this is amazing! I cannot believe you used a TOY! Can that you glittered it! WOWOWOW! AMAZING:) Great job!

  36. wooooooowwwwwwww... it is just awesooooooooooommmmmmmmmmeeeeeeee

  37. This is amazing Yvonne! You really are very talented!

  38. Ohhh MY Gossshhh... and I don't say that everyday!!! Wowzers... this is such an amazing idea, love love love it! Thanks so very much for sharing with us at BITW!!!

  39. Hay's been a looong time since I stopped by, but my oh still make the most gorgeous stuff!!! Just LOVE the castle! WOW! Beautiful.
    have to catch up on a lot of bloggy friends and scroll back to all that amazing creativeness!!But I'm so busy with yours, love your work!!
    Happy new year Yvonne!!

  40. How cool and creative! I am off to check out some more of your blog! Thank you for your sweet comments!

  41. Beyond beautiful! This will be treasured for year to come.

  42. Wow, wow, and wow again1 So beautiful!!!!! I love your creativity!!!!!

  43. Oh my, what a transformation! I was originally thinking you made it out of tubes, but the toy had to be at least a little easier. So glittery, yet so dreamlike - against the canvas it looks wonderful.

  44. OMG this is absolutely amazing!! I love it so much and may daughter would go GAGA for this. what a great idea. When I first saw it, I wondered how you made it but wow, you are so innovative!! I'm so impressed!! Thanks for playing with us at BITW

  45. OMG this is fabulous
    I'm in love!!!
    congrats to criativity
    xx and tks for playing along at BITW

  46. FAR OUT!! This is out of this WORLD AMAZING....
    Thanks for sharing with us Over @ Bird is The Word..

  47. Hey Yvonne! Just on my BITW rounds and realised I forgot to thank you for joining in at Bird is the Word!! So thanks :) For raising the bar too with this piece of awesomeness!!!

  48. Fabulous project, Ivonne!!! Thanks for playing along us at BITW!

  49. Wow holy schmoly!!!!!!!!!!!! and then that doesn't even cut it. Seriously crazy creative!

  50. Umn - FREAKING amazing Yvonne!!! Congratulations on this beautiful work!!!

  51. OMG. This is the swesomest ever layout i ever seen! mixture of layout + altered project. you're so talented


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.