

Extending the background with Mandy Dodd

My first guest of 2011 is the talented Mandy Dodd of Teacup of Scrapisms. I got to know Mandy through Scrapping The Music and I love her shabby chic style, particularly how she infuses vibrant colours and incredible textures on her projects. She is also the co-founder of the awesome challenge blog Let's Get Shabby. Today, she is sharing a tutorial on how to extend past the photo to create a scene! And there's a challenge with a RAK to be won too! :)

But first, let's have a look at Mandy's stunning gallery...


Hi, my name is Mandy  (also known as mandysea) and I live in Australia on an island called Tasmania.  I live in a big old house that over looks the sea and pretty much the sea is our way of life here.  I’m inspired by and love nature, and animals and use green and blue a lot in my scrapping.  I spend a lot of time capturing birds and lizards and wildlife with my camera.
My scrapping style is Shabbychic and I love playing with the arty side with it in paints, gesso, tissue paper, and all the lacy bits plus the layering and texture that goes with it.  I love to feel these things in my hands and most of all – I love to see the shadow its casts.
If I had some things that are undeniably me – it would be that I love to match the background of my photo to my background paper…. and extend the photo into the scrapping area, rarely use pattern paper, and usually draw a border around my papers edge and fold it to suggest a frame.  These are not always, but mostly, and I fall not conscious of these habits creating work..… they just kind of evolve as I go along.
My favourite paper to use is Basic Grey background papers – usually they are the plain reverse sides. I’ll pick them up wherever I see them – especially if they are older discontinued lines.
  And my fav place to shop are a couple of etsys for my embellishments – Tallulah Belles
  and Tattered Inspirations.

Extending the Background tutorial 

Choose a photo that has either horizons or Vertical lines in it that can be extended.
By placing some pointers – you can easily see where the lines in this photo are.

Here some tissue paper has been sprayed the same colour as the steps and creased in a way that its been moulded where the dark lines extend outwards on each side of the photo.  At this stage both the tissue and the photo is only just sitting on top as a gauge just to see how its working out.
Smearing some paint with my finger into an almost transparent film picks up the next set of horizon lines – a pinky cement colour.

Here I wanted to pick up the darker colour of the grass in the top part of the photo – the dark green right on the edge of the pic.  So I measured where the photo was and placed a scrap piece of paper there and sprayed.

Embellished and finished.   There are a couple of extra things I did to extend the background more.   I’ve made the brown columns behind Paige in the photo extend upwards more and decorated them a bit – to suggest where she was sitting did have a roof.   And I’ve used green crocheted lace to wrap from underneath the photo  and curved it up the side to suggest the circular shape of the podium she was  sitting on.
Now it’s your turn to have  a go creating your own extended scene!
I have a rak here to give away!!
I can't wait to see what you can do with this!


What a fabulous tutorial! And a great way to create a picture perfect project! :) Are you ready to play along? It would be cool to see how you interpret this challenge. You can create any project as long as it includes a photo. Please  link up your creations using InLinkz located at the end of this post by Friday Jan 28 Jan.

As always, please leave a little love for my guest Mandy! :)



  1. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Mandy!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Fantastic!!!
    Mandy is so artsy... love her work already!!!....TFS... very inspiring...xoxo

    I can't wait to do this challenge... :wink...xoxo

  3. Wow!! Mandy is so artistic and creative!! Love the extended background!


  4. this is so so super cool... Love it Mandy... the transformation from step 1 to step 5 is absolutely stunning and awesum...

  5. Nice work Mandy, thanks for sharing :)

  6. Nice work Mandy, thanks for sharing :)

  7. Awesome! Love the showcase of layouts and the tutorial was fabulous. I love all the bits and bobs that were added to each page as it progressed. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I just adore Mandy and her work is just stunning!!!! Love the tutorial...thanks for sharing with us!!!

    Wishing you a great day!!!

  9. Gorgeous layouts...thanks for the fabbie tut!!!!!

  10. Wow Mandy - gorgeous photo and an amazing layout!

  11. WOW! That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing Mandy!

  12. Amazing work Mandy. I love your creative process.

  13. Wow, what an interesting concept! Your finished result is a really great mix of tones and layers, thanks for sharing this tutorial with us!

  14. WOW! Amazingly artistic layouts and Mandy's tut is just FABULOUS! xxD

  15. Hi Mandy!! Awesome to see you here at Yvonne's! Love your artsy work!
    Have to make some time to join in ;)

  16. Sooo beautiful! But oh my goodness, what a challenge for me - this is another "yikes" one!!! Just a little bit scary even!

  17. What a beautiful tutorial!! It shows how much is put into an layout!! love it!!

  18. Again thanks a ton for introducing us to such talented people Yvonne!

  19. Fabulous projects Mandy! Thanks for making me really THINK on this one, it was refreshing!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.