

Flashback Friday 6.0

Hey friends! I was invited by my fabulous friend Amy Tsuruta to come up with a challenge for Flashback Friday 6.0. I went though my blog archives to find this little gem of a card...circa October 2009... *LOL*


Yes...a little tiara on my card...which I found in my "save-for-a-rainy-day" box....yes, there are some quirky things in that box I must say...*LOL*

Anyway, the challenge is to post the first card that you blogged about that featured an unexpected find from your home. And the sponsor for this challenge is Sparkle Creations

So come play along! You have till January 7, 2011 to link up.

P/s: This is my second post for today. Have you seen my cute Content Ollie card?:)



  1. glad to have you along for flashback friday 6.0!! Love your choice of challenges...check out that fab tiara card...who doesn't have a tiara socked away...okay, I don't but would love one..LOL.

    Thanks for playing with me:)

  2. Who would of guessed you had a Tiara tucked away in a box for a rainy day? You are just full of surprises. Congrats on the fun challenge over at Flashback 6.0.

  3. This is soooooooo stinkin' adorable!! LOVING the tiara! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. I missed my spellchecked over at Amy's blog... Supposedly Tiara not Tiare... LOL.

    thats one cutest tiara ...!!! and dont cringe sillymilly...he he..xoxo

  5. Fabbie work yvonne.. love the tiara.. such a gorgeous and cute one :) lovely!!!! :)

  6. I love this love the blog and the colors!

  7. Hi Yvonne! I won't play, but I always vote for you!! ;)

    Blogtrotter Two is moving south on the Nile: water, greenery and desert… Enjoy and have a great week!

  8. Oooo, you would think this would be easy - yikes, I may have to make something unexpectedly!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.