

Sending happy thoughts...and a tutorial on handstitching on paper

Sending happy thoughts

I'm sending happy thoughts out to you! And myself! :) Having been in hardware twilight zone for the last few days, I'm slowly catching up. Missing one day online is like a gazillion light years, huh? I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that my google reader will always hover at the 200 + unread items range on a good day. :)

This card is based on Card Patterns sketch # 71 . The polka-dotted paper is from The Girls' Paperie and the cute dogs are from Basic Grey. SRM sticker sentiment and buttons! :) I did some handstitching for some added texture.

Here's a short tutorial on handstitching on paper..

Sending happy thoughts instructions

These are the supplies you need for handstitching on paper...a foam backing/sponge, a paper piercer (mine is actually the tool that came with my quilling kit!), needle and thread.

Sending happy thoughts insructions 2

Place the patterned paper on the foam backing and poke holes along the edges you want to handstitch. I usually just eyeball and poke holes but you can use a pencil to outline the area if you wish. Then just start stitching like you do on fabric....

Sending happy thoughts closeup 2

Here it is all done! :)



  1. That's a really sweet card, love the doggies, and well done on all that gorgeous hand stitching - glad you did it in bright yellow so we could really appreciate all your hard work!

  2. yes.... such a cute card!!!... the colors sweet and am loving SRM stickers.... Thanks for the tutorial on handstitch!!...xx

  3. I agree this is a super sweet card. Thanks for the tutorial on stitching. I might have to actual do that one of these days.

  4. cute card!!.. thanks for the lovely tutorial! :)

  5. this is soooooo cute :) Will try this stitching sometime :D

  6. thanks for the tute Yvonne... u make everything luk so super easy...will try my hand at for sure... i love stitching... all kinds:)

  7. Great card, and really fabulous easy to follow tutorial! Thanks so much.

  8. Oh I love this card...sooo fun & happy! You are the handstitching queen...I'm such a lazy bones...

  9. Thanks for the great tips. I hope you've had a great week. I certainly have. Thanks for your comment on my Taylor Lautner post. I appreciate it. I got so many wonderful comments on that post. Enjoy the upcoming weekend.

  10. Love this card! Love that girls paperie paper(I have almost used mine all up) and the animals from basic grey. You have more patience than I do to do the stitching. And thank you so much for all the really sweet comments you leave on my blog. It's nice to know someone is looking over there!

  11. Such a pretty card and thanks a bunch for letting me know that i can also stitch. Though am not sure i have the patience!

    But this one is inspirational.


  12. cute doggies.... thanks for the useful tip of hand stitching....

  13. such an adorable card - love the stitching :D

  14. Aww...this is so cute! Great tutorial on the hand sticthing!

  15. This card is so cute, love the yellow stichting!
    have a wonderful weekend!

  16. such a happy card Yvonne!thanks for the tutorial, this was long overdue.......i love the way u use stitching on your cards n layouts......

  17. Hi Yvonne!

    Thanks for dropping by my page. Sorry the candy is for Indian bloggers for now but don't worry am planning for more such candies for all my other friends too in days to come! :)


  18. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

  19. I always wondered about the stiching. Thanks for the tutorial.

  20. Yvonne, this is too cute! Love the doggies and your fab hand stitching. :)

  21. Love the simplicity of this card! And thanks so much for the tutorial!

  22. First time on your blog. So many interesting posts. I like the stitching on hand tutorial you have done. Thank You for sharing
    Cheers from Bangalore ,India
    Dr Sonia S V


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.