

A few good men

A few good men
Hello friends! This week's challenge at Scrapping the Music is up! It's the song "Feelin good" by Nina Simone. My layout, A few good men, features my father's entourage on his wedding day....

Some handstitching around the photo...

Some masking and misting...I took some photos during the process so I made a short tutorial to share...:)

What you require is a box/container for your cardstock (so that the mist doesn't go all over the place), a mask and mists... (I prefer Maya Mists because the colours are intense and dry almost instantly)

 Adhere the mask to the cardstock and start misting! I used a light blue first...

Then added yellow...

Remove the mask and you have a lovely design on your base cardstock. Try it out! :)



  1. wow... this is awesome... i love the LO

    And thanks for the tutorial...xx

  2. Gorgeous layout, and thanks for the tutorial, you are the misting queen!

  3. I'm always afraid to use this technique, but now I think I will try it once, it is gorgous, the misting the colors the stitching, wonderful lo.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. thanks for sharing the tute Yvonne... love the layout... u knw what i really love the titles u give to yr posts... always fun and appropriate!!!

  5. love it!!! thanks for the awesome tutorial!!! and that l.o. is wonderful-- i like how the femininity works with the masculinity!

  6. wow!.. a post after 2 days!.. was waiting for one! :).. love the tutorial!.. thanks!! :D

  7. Love the vintage photo and the bright colors you used!!!! Thanks for the tut....I want to start doing dome misting on my layouts...who makes that mask?

  8. This is so pretty, thanks for the tutorial on the sprays too, how pretty!

  9. Love this page and thanks for the tutorial on how you created the flowers. I might have to try this out.

  10. love that you added elements to your misted flowers - fantastic page :D

  11. awesome cards.. i liked the tutorial...

  12. superb card,thanks for the tutorials:))

  13. Beautiful Yvonne!Love the step by step photo's!Have to check those Maya mists, used only glimmer mist so far!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.