



I really wanted to play with Scrap It Lah's challenge to use products from at least 10 manufacturers and Sassitude is what I have to show for it....the layout features my friend Karen's girl, V, at Club Med in Bali, cooling off in the pool and with an icy cold drink...:) It also includes a little quilling (okay just a baby step!)

Sassitude closeup

Patterned papers are from October Afternoon, Sassafras, Fancy Pants and Collage Press, mists from Maya Road, ribbon from American Crafts,  brads and photo turn from Craft Affair, letter stickers from Cosmo Cricket, SRM stickers and Sam & Lucy, animal stickers from SW, stickles from Ranger, crepe paper and button.


And now on to the winners...

Spardha is the winner for the non-traditional background...

And Juhi  is the winner for the masking challenge with this beauty...

Congratulations! I'll be contacting you via email for your mailing details! :)

P/s: If you want to play along with the current challenge, see the previous post! :)


  1. Awesome LO, Yvonne!!! Really love all the colours and the title! It's so much fun to mix all those manufacturers right?
    Anyway, thanks for playing along with SIL!

  2. Great title, and love the sunny pictures...wish that the sun was here more often. Wonderful bright colors!

  3. So fun! I can see lots of quilling in your future :>)

  4. OMG I WON!.. wow!!.. srsly cant believe it!.. thanks soo soo much! :D
    awesome layput!.. love thr bright colours.. and the quilling! ;)

  5. oooh...such a sassy and fresh layout!

  6. LOVE that title - great use of so many lines :D

  7. Fabulous - you know how I love bright!

  8. So fun!! Great job on the quilling even for a first timer!

  9. Hey Thanks Yvonne!! I can't believe I won!!

    Gorgeous layout Yvonne, esp the tiny quilling :).......hoping to see more quilling from you in the future.....

  10. What a beautiful LO and I just love the title!

  11. this is awesome yvonne!!! the colors, misting, papers, pictures and ofcourse the everything on this page:D

  12. very cute and love the colors!


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.