

No time to lose. Too much life to taste.

No time to lose. Too much life to taste

This week's challenge at Scrapping the Music is the song 40 Dogs by Bob Schneider. My layout "No time to lose. Too much life to taste" features adorable little Toot, my friend Maggi's little girl...such a cutie eh? You can tell I really like the floral paper from Girls Paperie because here it is again! I just used it on this layout! This time I added some handstitching and some stickles (Maggi really likes glitter! :). I used my scraps from a Teresa Collins paper to make some flowers and added bling flowers too. The titlework/journaling was a mixture of white stickers which I adhered directly on the photo. The chipboard is from K & Co. Pink mist is from Maya Road.

P/s: Gauche Alchemy's Ning Network is "live" today! I really hope you'll join me (and the rest of the GA team:) there as we share tips and techniques and other fun stuff...:)


  1. soooo pretty the colors and the blooms...such a cutie pie!

  2. What a gorgeous layout! Love all the pretty flowers!

  3. HOLY SMOKES! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW I can't believe it! This is GORGEOUS and oh wow, I am speechless!!!!! I L-O-V-E it, thank you sooooooooo much!!!!!!!!

  4. Love the cute flowers.... adorable picture too!

  5. Yvonne this is so adorable!!! i love Toot! She had been a big inspiration to myself too - I did a layout last year of her in the Cinnabun across america with her Princess Leih cap on!!! Just so adorable!!! you did am amazing job with this!

  6. soo cute!!.. absolutely love it!.. m sry m gonna steal ur ideas for a layout for my baby sis! :D

  7. a beautiful and adorable page!!! and what a sweet little girl:)

  8. Just Love this page!That paper is beautiful and so is that photo!Loving your design!And those flowers are gorgeous!

  9. love layout Yvonne... love the flowers...

  10. This is so pretty! I love it!

    My goodies for winning last week arrived today. Thank you so much! There are so many bits of wonderfulness I don't know where to start. Thank you!!!

  11. Oh wow!! Look at this!!! It's SO PRETTY! And the flowers are absolutely GORGEOUS! Great work my dear!

  12. nice all the flowers.
    By the way, I have received the RAK and thank you babe. Hugs, Yuzz

  13. Yvonne...this is the pink, the sweet picture and those great!

  14. love all the flowers you added - knew i recognized this girl :D

  15. wow wow this so beautiful...xxoo


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.