

My guilty pleasure

My guilty pleasure

Oh yes. I confess. My guilty pleasure is entertainment news. I love to watch it and read about it. I may not believe everything I hear or read but I'm secretly happy to know that celebrities aren't "perfect". I don't appreciate the methods the paparazzi use to get the so-called scoops but I enjoy seeing pictures of "stars without makeup" or how the celebrities have to starve themselves to look good for a premiere...Poor things...all the money and they can't eat what they want and pay trainers to torture them...haha! (insert evil laugh here)... What's your guilty pleasure?

Just a little misting on cardstock, lace, lovely 7Gypsies velvet flower (thanks Amy!), American Crafts letters, Kaiser Craft paper (babuska doll), We R Memory Keepers gromlet...

Inspired by the challenges at Method Playground and All About Me.


  1. oh gosh...I LOVE your LO Yvonne!! And that title and colour sets off your whole creation!!
    Hmmn, there is something tragically comic about a movie star being caught with out make-up!!!
    Hmmn, guilty pleasure...its scrapping...the money i spend!!! LOL!

  2. what a great title:) and i love the misting!!!
    my guilty pleasure???...sleep till 11am while my boyfriend had to go work at 6am :):):)love it the whole bed for me alone!

  3. perfect as usual!.. luv the letter stickers!.. a very happy new yr! :D

  4. Love the misting effect!! My guilty pleasure?? I think they constantly change....from tv, to a really good book that I can't stop rereading, to sushi! :> And I'm sure there are a few dozen more, but my son is reading over my shoulder as I type this!! ;>

  5. How beautiful with your sunshine smile

  6. love your misting - love the confession :D

  7. I love the journaling fun to do!
    Great lo, you are great with misting!!!

  8. Hahahah,,,,I'm exactly the same way with celebrity news!!! I just gotta watch it!!!! Great layout!!!!!!!

  9. LOve this one Yvonne!Beautiful photo and great quilty pleasure ;)
    Have to agree with Mandy on this one...spending money on scrap stuff ;)

  10. What a beauftiul page and a beauftiul face to boot! I guess we have the same guilty!


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Cheers, Yvonne.