

So fun

Supplies: Patterned paper: Scenic Route, October Afternoon, Cosmo Cricket & K & Co, Cardstock: Bazzill, Cordinations & DCWV, Chipboard letters: Heidi Swapp, Puffy stickers: American Crafts, Stamp: Technique Tuesday, others: thread, ink, cork paper, animal stickers.

The August challenge over at Scrap Inspire Create is up! This month, the challenge is to incorporate ATCs (2.5 X 3.5) creatively onto your layout. Except for the base paper, the rest of the supplies were from scraps...ATCs are really great for using the small bits of paper...:) So fun! And green too!

My layout features my 3 adorable nephews...the youngest is 4 months old and can't sit up by himself yet...can you see that he's leaning on his big brother? He laughs a lot but when I whip out my camera, he just stares at it...oh well, at least he looks directly at the camera...:)

I love the bright colours on the Scenic Route base paper..and basically just picked out colours from my scrap stash to match, put them together on the ATCs and then handstitched...yes it took a lot of time...but I find poking holes in paper and stitching them up strangely therapeutic.


  1. Thanks for stopping by darling and for the lovely comment you left behind, much appreciated. Please visit me often.

    Duchess xx

  2. Lovely layout, they are just adorable.

  3. fun fun layout yvonne! those papers!!! they are the cutest boys! tfs!

  4. That is so cute, and your nephews are adorable :)

  5. OMy retro adorable...I simple love orange!

  6. i find hand stitching very zen-like too - great lo :)

  7. What a great layout!

    Thank you for visiting my Blog and for your sweet comments!

    I just put up a New Post today. If you get a chance stop by and say hi!

  8. This is adorable Yvonne......the color combo is great, I love all the hand stitching...I have tried it only once, should try it more i guess!!

  9. Wow..Yvonne this is sooo beautiful!Love the ATC's on the layout!And that!!Love the photo's too and the colors you used!Have a wonderful week,girl!

  10. Absolutely a great take, Yvonne!!
    And those colours of your LO are just so vibrant!! Thanks for such an inspiration!



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Cheers, Yvonne.