

You can see

Supplies: Patterned paper: Basic Grey, Cardstock: DCWV, Stickers: Toga (black & white), American Crafts (white) & Doodlebug Designs (black), Puffy stickers: American Crafts, Others: colour pencils, black pen, white pen, ribbon, 3D dots.

I'm the Guest Designer for the month of July over at Scrapping The Music. I was so thrilled to be asked since it's one of my favourite challenge blogs. I try to participate every week. One of my layouts is in the Hall of Fame too. :) And the Design Team's really fabulous. Please join in the fun! I would love to see what you come up with. There's a RAK to be won too!

Here's my layout for the song is "Cheers". I went for a cutesy layout with cut-out birds which I outlined with a black pen and coloured with watercolour pencils (I skipped the water part ;). I also coloured all the parts of the patterned paper that I outlined. Love Basic Grey! The ribbons on the the top are small pieces of scrap ribbon which I stapled on. I then added stickers for the date. I didn't have the right letters to spell the word "Bird Park" so I improvised..can you spot them? :)


  1. Congrats, Yvonne, awesome LO!

  2. it Yvonne...I love your use of vibrant colors...excellent!!!

  3. Congratulations! (I just said that in an other comment a little further down your blog - I read a few posts you see - but let's put it here on top again too! Congrats!)

  4. Hi Yvonne!
    HUge congrats to you on being the new guest designer at Scrapping the Music this month....sooo cool!LOve your style so well deserved!
    Was visiting lately but I had trouble getting on your pc kept threwing me of

    ..well it works again,Hugs, Jeanet

  5. Yeah. I saw the "Bird Park". Nice art work.

  6. wow! stunning LO, love the bright fun colors! and those puffy stickers are a nice touch!

    Clouds :D


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.