

X'mas in July blog party & my first giveaway!

Hello!!!! Are you here for the awesome X'mas in July blog party hosted by Maggi ?Or just here for my first blog giveaway??? Welcome!

Let's head straight to the good stuff - there's no X'mas without presents, right? Here's your chance to win some goodies! We can never get enough right? Yay!

All you have to do is to check out the photo above and help me out with a possible title for a layout. A little background on the photo...This was taken on my mum's birthday with her three grandsons -my nephews...:) The photo cracks me up because the oldest (the poser) has his gameface on, #2 is reading his book the wrong side up and the littlest one is grumpy because he needs a diaper

So, title my next layout based on the photo for a chance to win my first blog giveaway! Yay! I'll be giving I'm giving away a box of my favourite embellishments, actual stuff I use on my projects (as featured on my blog) - all the good stuff....:) and a personalized handmade gift to the person who comes up with the most creative title for my soon-to-be-scrapped layout. Easy peasy, right?

So are you going to help me out? I'll be quite sad if nobody took part in my first blog giveaway :(
But I'm sure there are some nice people around *wink*...:)

Enjoy the rest of the party back at Maggi's! You don't have to visit all the blogs listed but I understand that there are some wonderful giveaways.....*wink* so why not just spread the X'mas in July Blog Party cheer? Happy Saturday!

*Edited* Silly me! I didn't state when I would be announcing a winner...I'll pick a winner mid-week and showcase my layout with the winning title!


  1. Merry Christmas in JULY! :)

    Hmm, that pic is awesome, a title how about "A wacky Crew"

    Happy hopping!

  2. Merry Christmas in JULY.

    That picture is so cute, nan looks like she's trying to hold it together .... Mmmm maybe "The Three .5 Musketeers"!


  3. I would give it a heading of "We ARE Family!". Cute picture, thanks for the chance.

  4. about:"This is the life"

    Hope you get plenty of titles to choose from Yvonne!
    Love that cute and real!
    Checking out the blog..sounds cool!

  5. Merry Christmas in July!!!

  6. Merry Christmas and I just adore your Blog!!!! How about a title that says At This Very Moment!!!! Have a wonderul day!!!!

  7. such a great goofie picture. merry Christmas. heidi

  8. What a beautiful family,And Merry Christmas to you dear...Marie Antionette

  9. “Best of all, Christmas means a spirit of love, a time when the love of God and the love of our fellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a time when our thoughts and deeds and the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God.”
    Happy Holidays!
    love the pic...
    as for the title - hmmmm
    how about " There's always room for Love " ??
    God bless all - hugs from Texas

  10. geez, i really can't come up with any snazzy about There's nothing like family...

    i tried! lol


  11. Grandma's Goofy Boys or Goofing with Grandma!

    merry christmas in july!

  12. Cute blog and sweet family!

    How about
    "Winkin, Blinkin and Nod" ?
    Hee, i dunno i gave it a go...


    xoxoxox Rhonda Roo

  13. HO HO HO!

    I came in from the warm and sun,
    To find that Christmas has begun!

    This picture is classic! I cannot wait to see what title you pick for this layout! Too bad I'm drawing a total blank on a title suggestion, oh no! lol I'll try to go get clever and be back with a title! :)

    Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Rest of Your Year!

  14. Merry Christmas in July! Just stopping by from Maggi's. I really like Dustjacket Attic's idea - the 3.5 Musketeers! Cute!

    <3 Gina

  15. Ooooh, I'm bad at I can think is "priceless". Love your work and will have to visit again! Merry Christmas in July!


  16. Cute picture. How about, "Grandmas are Always Happy to See Us"
    (even with diaper issues)
    Merry Christmas

  17. Hmmm,.. I can't see the pic it won't load but I love your blog anyway. :D

  18. Cute Picture!! I have a bunch of titles for it. How about "this is how we roll" or "just us" or "just the way we are".
    Merry Christmas in July!

  19. Merry Christmas in July! Okay that photo is kinda hilarious! Lol! How about "Life always has room for more love and more wackiness!".




  20. I've tried several times to get the photo to luck (insert sad face)! Have a very Merry Christmas in July!


  21. Wonderful CIJ party. I am finally getting to make the rounds. I did a quick check on my party and visited with guests there, so please excuse me if I missed you. I will be back home later to mingle some more. Right now, I am trying to fit in all the blog parties. This is such fun!!!!!

    Merry Christmas in July from Texas!

    The photo is adorable. What about:

    It's been one of those days!


    Santas always watching!

  22. "smiles, frowns, and upside downs"

    I like this for a title because it's showing what is happening in order, smiles, a frown and an upside down. Cheers! Great party Y!



  23. It's hard to come up with something suddenly..hmm.
    Well, maybe.."This Is How We Roll".
    Thats about all I can think up.
    Merry Christmas!

  24. Great photo - I'm not good with titles how about "hangin out with grandma"?

  25. HI Hun! lovely post, Merry Xmas in July.. here's my try: "Funny faces for Grandma "

  26. That photo is a Riot! Definitely a classic in the making.

    Tough call on the title for sure. I'm thinking something like...

    "Gramma's Crazy Crew" or "Grin with Gramma, take 1"


  27. That photo is a Riot! Definitely a classic in the making.

    Tough call on the title for sure. I'm thinking something like...

    "Gramma's Crazy Crew" or "Grin with Gramma, take 1"


  28. Merry Christmas! Title hmmm, how about simply Cheese?!?!


  29. Merry Christmas in July! Thanks for stopping by my your family photo:)

  30. The picture is so adorable Yvonne, I can't help myself from looking at it again n again n laughing :) ......the only title that comes to my mind is "Priceless Moment" or maybe just plain "Priceless"

    I cant wait to see your layout for this one!!

    Have a great week!

  31. nice picture suggestion : A Moment like this is priceless lol :-)

  32. Merry Christmas in July! How about "Just Grand" for you title...

  33. Hi,
    Merry christmas in July! How about
    " Are you done yet, taking the picture? "Because , that's what my granddaughters say to me when they start looking similarly in a photo.
    I have enjoyed my visit, you are invited to my party.

  34. Mele Kalikimaka! Maligayang Pasko!
    (still getting around to visit the Christmas parties…since this was our daughter’s last weekend home before flying back to college today!)

    Yay! I was happy to see you are still open for guests! and that I may even be able to take part in your wonderful first giveaway :o)

    Love this photo! hmmm. let's see...what about:
    "Grandma says that "Boys-will-be-Boys!"
    "Happy & Hilarious!"

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Hope you have a bit of time to come to my family’s Christmas memory party. We're still partying :o)


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.