

A dark cloud in the evening sky

I spotted this lone dark cloud in the evening sky...

Inspired by Skywatch Friday.


  1. great find and a fantastic capture.

    happy skywatching.

  2. Good one to read. It is the end of the semester and the pressure is on to study for exams and complete final assignment works. A well-written essay paper can determine between an A grade of failure. Feeling tired, one may be tempted to hire a good genuine writing service to help to cross finish the line. These services are useful in many ways. No matter how good the service is, nothing beats developing strong writing skills. But all students are not blessed with good writing skills. If a student needs good grades, their writing skill has to be improved. Writing essay papers are like gym workouts. The more you write, the better you will become good. Many teachers say that students lack the basic writing skills needed to perform at the college level. Companies are spending many years writing training for employees. Writing is often considered as a soft skill and not as important as math. However, based on many years as an essay writer I know this is to be absolutely untrue. Students are taking help from online writing services because they will do the writing in a good way. Hiring a service has many advantages. They have the world’s best writers in order to craft the paper. Hiring essay writing services to meet class requirements is a short-term fix in writing and time management. After college, as you are seeking employment and a big salary to pay back your student loans, they will give you a writing test during an interview. Once on the job, you may have to write a white paper, an annual report, or web copy, these situation demands a good writing skill. But students often do not look up to these things. They just want their work to be completed before the deadline. Writing services do help in this process.


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Cheers, Yvonne.