

Alter ego

Supplies: Patterned paper: Amy Butler, Cardstock: DCWV, Puffy Stickers: American Crafts, Stickers: Toga, American Crafts, Provo Craft, Distress Ink: Black soot, Others: Ribbon, black pen.

Are you a "yes please" person or a "no thanks" person?

I am a people pleaser. I worry when people don't like me and often wonder why. I am a genuinely nice person with kind intentions. Sometimes, even when I don't feel like doing something, I say "yes" because I know that it would make the other person happy. I wish I could say "no thanks" when I'm over-extended. But more often than not, I say "yes". I know that I don't like every single person I meet so likewise, not every single person is going to like me. But I still worry that when I say "no", others may not ask me again and I might miss out on something really good. Not to mention the extreme guilt I feel about "rejecting" someone. Do you ever say "yes" just to please someone else but not yourself? Do you worry when someone doesn't like you?

This post was inspired by the prompts at Sunday Scribblings and Inspired by Amelie.


  1. I think Iam like you :) Can relate a lot to this post.

  2. OMG!
    i felt like i was talkin to me!

    darn teh similarity!

    good prompt Yvonne :)

    incredibly ME!

    Happy SS

  3. That is a worry everyone of us have, only difference being in the degree to which we let ourselves to be swayed by these wishes and worries.

  4. Hello? Is that me? I totally say yes to way too many things! Arg!

  5. i used to be more of a yes person but lately i've been more flakey :(

  6. It took me fifty years and a stroke to learn to say no occasionally. Learn now if you can. We want everyone to like us and yet how many people do you know who you really consider close friends? Take care of those like they are jewels and be kind to the rest.


Thanks for visiting my blog and taking time to leave a comment. I really appreciate it. Have an awesome day!:)

Cheers, Yvonne.