

Challenges - Scrap Mojo, Punk Rock Scrappers & Scrapping Out Loud

A couple of interesting challenges rolled into one.

Over at the new challenge site Punk Rock Scrappers, you are supposed to scrap something unique about you. I would like to think that I have a sense of humor and am pretty opinionated..:)

I'm also trying out challenge #31 over at Scrap Mojo - What would you do if you ruled the world? I decided that this picture of me looking pretty smug would be pretty apt. Then the gals at Scrapping Out Loud decided that this week's challenge is to use black and one other colour. How cool is that? I've always used black as an accent so this time I decided to use black as my background. My other colour is pink (a colour I'm embracing this year). The tiara's clear ( so technically not a colour right? :) with pink rhinestones. I'm really digging this tiara/crown since I thought it looked pretty good on a previous layout I did recently.

Lots of hand stitching...around the photo and stars...


Paper: Black & Pink cardstock
Chipboard letters: Pressed Petals
Stickers: Adorn IT
Brads (to attach tiara to paper): American Crafts
Others: Tiara/princess crown, thread, clear star bling (on tiara), Sakura Micron 08, Making Memories stamps, Brilliance ink in Graphic Black

* Edited* This layout was one of the faves over at Scrap Mojo! :)


  1. ohh very very cool layout! i love your title...that is awesome! thanks so much for playing this week!

  2. Love your layout this the tiara too!!! Thanks for playing!!!

  3. fun layout ~ i love the stitched stars!!! youre animals are making noises at meeeeee!!! thanks for playing along!!!
    {xoxo} ally
    punk rock scrappers!!!!

  4. Awesome!!! Love all that hand stitching, and the tiara is so funny, but totally fits with the layout!

  5. Fabulous lo! Thanks for playing along with us at scrappingout loud!

  6. I am LOVING the stitched star! Seriously! :D Gorgeous LO! Love that you rolled all the challenges into one! Great LO! Thanks for playing over at PRS!

  7. Wow!! awesome page & stitching!

  8. Very cool LO! I love the crown and the stitching! Thanks for playing along! :)

    -Lindsay (Mojo)

  9. Very cool lo. I really love the hand stitching of the stars and the tiara does look cool. Thanks for playing.
    Sincerely, Michelle Scrap Mojo

  10. yes!!!! definately a wonderful world!!!!
    Great layout!
    Thanks for playing!!

  11. Nice..i like d way u did d zig-zag hand-stitching to d photo..notice dem to some of LOs too. Ure reli patient girl..and i adore ur technique ;)


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Cheers, Yvonne.